Elections US Election Day PBP Thread

Who did you vote for?

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The large turnout is interesting. For those that think Trump is going to win, do you think a large number of people who didn't vote in 2016 are coming out to vote for him?
If they're wrong, they should turn the whole industry into a sporting league of sorts, where they get put into divisions and compete over predictions in a three and half year regular season, where only the best of the best get to participate in the Presidential playoffs.

That would probably help retain a little interest in what they have to say at least.
The large turnout is interesting. For those that think Trump is going to win, do you think a large number of people who didn't vote in 2016 are coming out to vote for him?

A little of both. Many people hoping to vote him out while also a lot of people who like what he’s doing coming out to try to keep him in. Who knows really. Just my 2 cents.
Haven't seen a single pollster predict a trump win. Even the RCP guys aren't. They all give trump a chance but its slim. It will be bad to say the least.

Yeah, Nate Silver will probably get fired by ABC if he has another night like he had in 2016. The Times will revamp their coverage to reduce focus on polling, it’ll be a complete undermined as a predictive method. The only way pollsters survive a trump win with any relevance intact is if he gets crushed on popular vote by 5% or more and still wins the electoral vote.
The large turnout is interesting. For those that think Trump is going to win, do you think a large number of people who didn't vote in 2016 are coming out to vote for him?

I don't think a lot of people are happy with the democrat mandated lockdowns or the violent rioting in that was largely ignored in democrat cities.
Well Wall Street predicts a Biden win and Democrats taking over both chambers based on a number of reports and expect quick support of another 2 trillion dollar stimulus coming in Jan. I don't know but large turnout of voters tends to favor Democrats but who knows this 2020. Wall Street no fan of Mitch McConnell so I guess they hope he loses his seat at min and that if Trump where to win he would support another large stimulus and post election there would not be much the Republicans would do to stop it.

Yeah, Nate Silver will probably get fired by ABC if he has another night like he had in 2016. The Times will revamp their coverage to reduce focus on polling, it’ll be a complete undermined as a predictive method. The only way pollsters survive a trump win with any relevance intact is if he gets crushed on popular vote by 5% or more and still wins the electoral vote.
I saw some Republican operatives predict a 6 to 8 million biden popular win
What happened to the stickied prediction thread? I think Biden wins, Ds keep the House, and Rs keep the Senate.

I unstickied it in case some people didn’t look up there. It’s still on the front page. Get your results in quick.
so where are you watching the elections?
The large turnout is interesting. For those that think Trump is going to win, do you think a large number of people who didn't vote in 2016 are coming out to vote for him?

Nobody knows. There's always been this ridiculous apathetic chunk of the country that's up for grabs all the time. This year they might be finally coming out. Who knows who they're coming out for though. As much as COVID(one way or the other) is driving people to the polls, I can't imagine those constant riots didn't have an effect as well, and for the other side the social justice thing is driving them out I'm sure.

At the end of the day, both sides are pretty amp'd up I'd say. It's gonna be an interesting night/week/month.
Well Wall Street predicts a Biden win and Democrats taking over both chambers based on a number of reports and expect quick support of another 2 trillion dollar stimulus coming in Jan. I don't know but large turnout of voters tends to favor Democrats but who knows this 2020. Wall Street no fan of Mitch McConnell so I guess they hope he loses his seat at min and that if Trump where to win he would support another large stimulus and post election there would not be much the Republicans would do to stop it.

I think you got it wrong Wallstreet is thinking Trump is going to win..
Biden could win massively in the popular vote and still lose. If all the crazy leftists in New York and California come out and vote en masse, it literally means nothing because he was going to win those states anyway.
much like the Tudors and the Lancasters before them, Donald John Trump is ordained by our Lord in High to lead the greatest nation on earth back into peace and prosperity.
The Lord has chosen Biden to lead us towards world peace.
Biden could win massively in the popular vote and still lose. If all the crazy leftists in New York and California come out and vote en masse, it literally means nothing because he was going to win those states anyway.

Well I don't think any right-winger seriously and honestly believes Trump is going to win the popular vote. He is definitely going to have a worse popular vote percentage compared to four years ago. But sure, he could still win the presidency.
The large turnout is interesting. For those that think Trump is going to win, do you think a large number of people who didn't vote in 2016 are coming out to vote for him?

I'm not sure who is going to win, but there are a lot of people who hate Trump with a passion and there are a lot of people who are fed up the left. I can see how either side would garner people that didn't vote in 2016.

I will say this though... It's pretty sad that most of the new voters this time around are coming from a place of spite or hate vs being inspired by policy or good ideas.
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