Social War Room Lounge v. 196: How's the karate going?

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Threw more soldiers into the Middle East, bragged about making them mercenaries, allowed Erdogan to unprecedently send in his rape brigades, bragged about forcing congress to drop their investigations into the brutal murder and torture of a US national, and also vetoed a Republican and Democrat bill to stop selling weapons for use in a blatant genocide?

That who we talkin bout?
Approved the sale of nuclear technology to KSA, a country Trump has acknowledged attacked us on 9/11, after breaking from the JCPOA. Now KSA is threatening to build a nuke.
Approved the sale of nuclear technology to KSA, a country Trump has acknowledged attacked us on 9/11, after breaking from the JCPOA. Now KSA is threatening to build a nuke.

I'm sure that was a decision he made all alone without input from anyone. Just popped into his head one day over a diet coke and well done steak.
He made a “fuck this place, I’m out” dramatic post when Fawlty got banned.
Just made some cinnamon buns with icing. FUCK they are delicious.

@Wet Blanket I Just realized, you can't even have a Cinnabon can you?

Probably not cinnabon from the store, but I'm not entirely sure as I've never looked up the ingredients.

However, my wife makes them at home in a cast iron skillet and they are insanely good.
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