Social San Diego Teachers forced to attend White Privilege training


Gold Belt
May 14, 2008
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All San Diego teachers are being required to attend a “white privilege” training in which they are told, “you are racist” and must commit to becoming “anti-racist” in the classroom, according to a report.
The San Diego Unified School District begins the sessions with instructors telling the faculty members that they will experience “guilt, anger, apathy [and] closed-mindedness” because of their “white fragility,” according to leaked documents obtained by journalist Christopher F. Rufo.

The training begins with a “land acknowledgement,” in which the teachers are asked to accept that they are colonizers living on stolen Native American land. Then they are told they will experience “guilt, anger, apathy, [and] closed-mindedness” because of their “white fragility.”

The teachers are told that they are part of an oppressive white power structure. The trainers claim that “white people in America hold most of the [power]” and that white teachers have an “ability to thrive” that is “being preserved at every level of power.”

Finally, teachers are told they must become “antiracist” activists. They must “confront and examine [their] white privilege,” “acknowledge when [they] feel white fragility,” and “teach others to see their privilege.” They must turn their schools into activist organizations.
So basically the teachers are forced into a Reeducation camp like North Korea, where they're brainwashed to believe the United States doesn't exist, and we're all Colonists still serving the King of England?
All in the name of "White Privilege"

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Well if any one wanted proof the left is mentally ill.

WTF is their end game in all of this insanity, this shit is more fucked up then the communism brainwashing. We all knew communisms is bs, people lived under it by force.
This shit is by choice, WTF is wrong with americans?

God forbid the black community ever took responsibility for their shit quality of lives and actually did something about it other then wehhw ehh white wehhw ehh racism.
All San Diego teachers are being required to attend a “white privilege” training in which they are told, “you are racist” and must commit to becoming “anti-racist” in the classroom, according to a report.
The San Diego Unified School District begins the sessions with instructors telling the faculty members that they will experience “guilt, anger, apathy [and] closed-mindedness” because of their “white fragility,” according to leaked documents obtained by journalist Christopher F. Rufo.

The training begins with a “land acknowledgement,” in which the teachers are asked to accept that they are colonizers living on stolen Native American land. Then they are told they will experience “guilt, anger, apathy, [and] closed-mindedness” because of their “white fragility.”

The teachers are told that they are part of an oppressive white power structure. The trainers claim that “white people in America hold most of the [power]” and that white teachers have an “ability to thrive” that is “being preserved at every level of power.”

Finally, teachers are told they must become “antiracist” activists. They must “confront and examine [their] white privilege,” “acknowledge when [they] feel white fragility,” and “teach others to see their privilege.” They must turn their schools into activist organizations.

Would be interested to see a definition of "forced". Also want to hear actual audio tapes of the sessions.

Hot Tip: Never take anything stated by a Discovery Institute huckster at face value.
Well if any one wanted proof the left is mentally ill.

WTF is their end game in all of this insanity, this shit is more fucked up then the communism brainwashing. We all knew communisms is bs, people lived under it by force.
This shit is by choice, WTF is wrong with americans?

God forbid the black community ever took responsibility for their shit quality of lives and actually did something about it other then wehhw ehh white wehhw ehh racism.

don’t deflect this back to the black community, this is all white liberal bullshit, the vast majority of us black people don’t give a fuck about white privilege and the 1619 project
don’t deflect this back to the black community, this is all white liberal bullshit, the vast majority of us black people don’t give a fuck about white privilege and the 1619 project

Libs are retarded, no denying that.
Still the responsible for BLM and their insanity lies on black shoulders.
So why aren't the people responsible for these indoctrination courses selling their houses on the land they stole from Natives, giving away all their possessions and emigrating from America?

Not only that....but these classes are undoubtedly fomenting more racism...getting us to focus on our differences....having us reinforce more stereotypes based on race
Sounds like regular Diversity training to me.

The OP is written by a MAGGOT Bunker Boy fan who thinks the election was rigged