Opinion Liberal santa sends young boy away in tears after refusing to gift him a nerf gun for Christmas

What a idiot.

found the Santa.
What an* idiot. Probably could have achieved the joke with one quote but I guess you got to really spell it out for some of the dummies here.
You a vegetarian too?
Nope, I literally say in the post you quoted that I hope to get to a point where all the meat my family eats comes from my kills. Is that a statement worthy of ridicule?
What an* idiot. Probably could have achieved the joke with one quote but I guess you got to really spell it out for some of the dummies here.
English is not my first and only language. Checkmate double chin. Take it easy it’s all about fun here.
You could, but you might be taking a chance if you were given strict orders to deny such wishes. I mean, the mall Santa's aren't there because they love the job. Most are desperate, and don't want to cross the boss.

Not saying that's the case here, but you never know.
I actually think most do love the job. They're usually recent retirees who are either bored, lonely, or both. It's a nice way to make some easy extra cash. A lot of Santas actually take a lot of pride in the role, the Fraternal Order of Real Bearded Santas actually meets on a monthly basis. Not sure what they hell they do 11 months out of the year.
Chud Santa will give him an airsoft MP5 that he can take to school for show and tell
THAN THE PARENTS GET TO PARENT. how fucking hard is it to understand its not a mall Santa's role? Smile, say ho ho ho, take pic, ask what they want. Rinse and repeat x infinity.
Then* the parents get to parent. If you're so passionate that you have to use all caps, at least spell basic words correctly.

Hear me out, scenario one Santa says he can't do guns but the kid is free to ask his parents. The parents don't have a problem and buy the kid the gun. Or they do have a problem and say they also won't get the gun.

Scenario two, Santa says "Ho ho ho" and nods his head when the kid asks. The parents have no problem with guns and he wakes up to the toy. Or his parents do have a problem with the gun and now have to explain why Santa didn't get the kid the gift he said he would. Was the kid bad? Did the parents tell Santa he couldn't and the kid has to find out Christmas morning?

Thing is though, this kid didn't even know what he wanted. He just said whatever the first thing in his head was. That's clearly just a kid who is either shy as fuck or a coddled baby who cries constantly.
English is not my first and only language. Checkmate double chin. Take it easy it’s all about fun here.
I may have a huge chin, but it's singular. Santa wishes he had abs like mine.
These people are trying to destroy American culture by corrupting the minds of the youth.
Damn, parents may have to have the Santa talk. Boo fucking hoo. No, let's just let minimum wage Bob with the fake beard crush children's dreams in-between hits off the flask
Bad Santa > Liberal Santa

Nope, I literally say in the post you quoted that I hope to get to a point where all the meat my family eats comes from my kills. Is that a statement worthy of ridicule?

Everything you've said in this thread is 100% worthy of ridicule. The type of of ivory tower liberal that is so caught up in virtue signaling that you've lost all ability to participate in any type of meaningful discussion.
Damn, parents may have to have the Santa talk. Boo fucking hoo. No, let's just let minimum wage Bob with the fake beard crush children's dreams in-between hits off the flask

That kid is like 5. If he was 10 you might have a point.
A gel blaster would be better than a nerf. That's all Santa was saying.
Everything you've said in this thread is 100% worthy of ridicule. The type of of ivory tower liberal that is so caught up in virtue signaling that you've lost all ability to participate in any type of meaningful discussion.
Give me some direct quotes that paint me as an ivory tower liberal, if it's every post then it should be easy for you, and show me where I virtue signaled once.