Do you think you will get a black belt?

I think so, yes. Haven't done it for awhile due to injury and then COVID but I got vaccinated yesterday and am planning to return before long
I hope so. I’m a blue belt with 1 stripe. Haven’t put on the gi in a couple years due to mma but all great coaches seem to have black belts so I think in the future it’s gonna be more of a priority.
Brown belt here. No idea. Just hoping for this pandemic to be over and start training again. Wondering what my skill level will be like when I finally am able to get to the mats. Scary to think how much I might have lost over the past 10 months.
No clue, currently a 2 stripe blue, don’t live close to the black that gave me my blue belt. There’s a black belt that’s closer that I train with occasionally, might jump ship but this black belt grades way harder
Brown belt here. No idea. Just hoping for this pandemic to be over and start training again. Wondering what my skill level will be like when I finally am able to get to the mats. Scary to think how much I might have lost over the past 10 months.
I've had a few breaks and although I came back "slower" (everything seemed to be moving in high speed my first few rolls), it comes back. Particularly if you've been thinking about BJJ and looking at videos etc - I actually find I come back thinking about things in a different way and a bit more creative sometimes.
I'm due for my 2nd degree in BJJ. Recently started training Judo to mix it up a little, I'd like to be black belt level there too.
I'm a brown belt and started training 13 years ago. I've trained only sporadically since March, but I plan to keep pushing ahead to black. If for no other reason, I want my kids to look up to me and see that I accomplished something.
I got my brown belt the end of last year, I don't feel that I deserved it at all. I'd prefer to go back to purple to be honest.
I am purple belt 2 stripes after nearly 8 years, maybe in 3 - 4 years I will get my black belt