Lets be honest here, how many of yous have over $1000 in your bank account?

I don't have a mortgage, so I have saved quite a bit - this is what I have in my chequing account as of 2 minutes ago:

The rest is in various investments (primarily stocks) and whatever the value of pension plan is at the moment. I know it's not a good idea to keep that much money in chequing, but my brother and I own two apartment buildings, and sometimes some pretty big expenses can come up unexpectedly.

I have always been pretty good at saving, and also benefited from an inheritance when my father passed - he owned alot of property, which is the only reason my brother and I were able to afford the two apartment buildings.
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I've got around £6,000 I think - I never really get above that, I spend 2-3 times a year on travelling so what goes in, comes out really. It'll do me.
I got paid $962 and then the $600 stimulus last Thursday. I have $50 left. So if you financial advise, let me know. That goes for everyone in here.

Read "The barefoot investor" !

Buying that book will likely be one of the best financial decisions you'll make, but only if you read it.
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I don't have the 600 yet, but when I get it I'm gonna spend it on bonds at a very dependable 1% interest rate. See you next year with my 606 bucks motherfucker.
$2446.81 regular checking account
$10031.17 regular savings account
$130199.64 in BB&T never touch account
I don't have a mortgage, so I have saved quite a bit - this is what I have in my chequing account as of 2 minutes ago:

The rest is in various investments (primarily stocks) and whatever the value of pension plan is at the moment. I know it's not a good idea to keep that much money in chequing, but my brother and I own two apartment buildings, and sometimes some pretty big expenses can come up unexpectedly.

I have always been pretty good at saving, and also benefited from an inheritance when my father passed - he owned alot of property, which is the only reason my brother and I were able to afford the two apartment buildings.
77k Canadian = 2 USD?

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Why don't you invest the money you never touch? Letting it sit in a bank is a total waste.
Have a decent 401k and annuity...IBEW member for over 20 years. Went through a divorce last year and letting it sit there for 2 more years when child support and alimony is finished. Then it will be moved. It may sound stupid to some but after going through a rough divorce I got rather cautious. In 2 years I will do something with it that has better results.
Most of my money is in the stock market.

All my stocks were up today actually.


Pandemic was great for certain stocks...
Tesla went up significantly
Also , airport related businesses like duty free were good buy in recent times
Some people really have money, even in the pandemic.

I don"t know what happens in the US, but America seems much poorer than Europe. Unfortunately you can"t really go to work in your other states, like it happens in the European Union.

But just saying, Eastern Europe is still small, but there are countries in Western Europe who give an honest life even to their 3rd class of people. Well, maybe if you are a French, you are unsatisfied even as a middle class, but in Nordic countries it"s ok.

As a poor American you can"t find much better job in other states, but as a poorer European IN THE EU (not outside) you can go to work in richer states.

The United States is just overrated, I have relatives there who earn so much money, and the others are starving. Of course, as a surgeon you earn good money and your responsaibility is also big.
Lol, no, I have a borderless plan that only has $2 USD in it. When I travel to the states I will normally top it up, but with COVID, I haven't had to go to any conferences. I think $1 CAD = 0.78 cents USD.
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I think Australia pays better than the US in terms of social help, and also the health system is much better probably.

The situation is really bad in the US, I see huge queues of people sitting to receive food. In Europe it would probably happen in Eastern Europe in case of a pandemic.

Now that Europe is united, too few are receiving food aid. Usually retired and poor, many poor people are forced to work. In Europe they don"t lose time but they also have some alternative, this is true.

It sucks, because America is very, very rich. And wealth is concentrated as in Russia, in the hands of a minor group. There is more prosperity in America, much more, but the lower class lives much worse than in Europe.

It is worse today to be an American without education than an Eastern European. The others complain about vacations, but the American is starving. Thanks to the politicians!

They have all enslaved Americans for the past decades.

Sure, you can say the East Europeans are immigrants, but their politicians created this background for them. The Americans where to work? In Mexico? Or in Canada which is basically the same? What"s the alternative if home aren"t created the best conditions of a such ECONOMY?

You have very low chances in the US without "degree". Not even the chance of a decent life. So you have to fight a lot!
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I have but I’ve been lucky in 2020. Got made redundant due to COVID and got a pay out instead of furlough, then got another job quick. And with nowt to spend my money on, clawed my way out of debt and all is well. For now.