Most american fighter ever

Its Don Frye, OG has to be. Honourable mention to Krazy Horse.
Who is it? Would be intresting to hear the opinion of non americans in this forum. For me its a tie between chael sonnen and bryce mitchell as the most steriotyped i can think off, derrick lewis a little bit too
Dan Hendo. period! We have tones of dbag American fighters. But Hendo epitomizes "bring it on" kinda American style fighters.
Nah, brian stann has the looks of a steriotyped american on superheroes movies, but he doesn't have much personality or catchphrases
white Skin does not prove that you are American, it just proves that you are descendant of European.



Native Americans are only "native" relative to Europeans. They still came to the Americas from somewhere else. And literally all of human history is conquest and displacement; not a single culture today was the original inhabitant of the region they're in.
Don Frye is the only right answer. However you could add:

New york: Matt Serra
California: Faber
Alabama: Bryce Mitchell
Louisiana: Derrick Lewis
Florida: Mike Perry/Masvidal
Texas: Roy Nelson (I know he's not from there, but that's how I imagine most Texans).
chael sonnen?

looks like he has potential, but always takes 2nd place
Revolution-won against the strongest country in the world
Spanish American war- won
WW2- won
Korea- draw
Cold War- won
Native Americans are only "native" relative to Europeans. They still came to the Americas from somewhere else. And literally all of human history is conquest and displacement; not a single culture today was the original inhabitant of the region they're in.
in The early birth of America, we only won because all the tribes hated each other. Historians estimate their population could have been up to 100 million
As far as legends go , my vote goes to Dando. I havent scrolled but I'd be shocked if he hadn't got a mention.

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