Snowflake-virgin-noob question: are perry and reyes still recoverable with such fucked up noses?

the solution is not to fight anymore
their noses will always be fucked up whenever they take damage to it

just ask rory mac

thats not true at all. Eveyone will have a broke. Nose as a professional fighter. Pernell Whitaker has had broken noses. Floyd. Ali. Shane Mosley nose was beaten flat.

if you’re a fighter you don’t have surgery on that until you’re done fighting as it will be just as bad as the first every time.
thats not true at all. Eveyone will have a broke. Nose as a professional fighter. Pernell Whitaker has had broken noses. Floyd. Ali. Shane Mosley nose was beaten flat.

if you’re a fighter you don’t have surgery on that until you’re done fighting as it will be just as bad as the first every time.

you say it's not true and then you literally repeat what i just said. i said the only solution to a broken nose like that is to stop fighting. you say guys get their noses fixed when they stop fighting....are you american or just illiterate? and wtf are you talking about????? floyd never had his nose broken
did khabib ever get his nose broken???

maybe you need to get your nose out of somewhere before you post again
So, there isn't a surgical procedure that can heal the nose back to full strength? That's weird, most other bone breaks can heal back to full strength.
A nose is not only a bone. It's pretty complex with cartilage mixed in. Much harder to repair.
is miesha the big nose GOAT???
Looks like she's smelling a fart.
I don't think the nose is what's wrong with Perry.
So, there isn't a surgical procedure that can heal the nose back to full strength? That's weird, most other bone breaks can heal back to full strength.
Your nose isn't really bone, it's just hard cartilage so it's not going to to heal like a bone does
you say it's not true and then you literally repeat what i just said. i said the only solution to a broken nose like that is to stop fighting. you say guys get their noses fixed when they stop fighting....are you american or just illiterate? and wtf are you talking about????? floyd never had his nose broken
did khabib ever get his nose broken???

maybe you need to get your nose out of somewhere before you post again

ya Floyd did. Khabib goes without saying. Every fighter especially the greatest with longevity will have there nose broken.

They don’t just stop fighting is what you said. I said it’s better for your nose if you’re in the business of literally getting punched in the face surgery is worthless until you stop fighting for a living.

you said they should immediately give up there careers from a broken nose.

look at Floyd’s nose over the years. You would have to be a fool to think that thing hasn’t been smashed in over the years in sparring childhood or in two of his pro fights.

you’re like a woman using something out of context to validate your typed words.

you’re a weirdo. I never agreed with anything you said. Lol
Arlovski’s been with the crooked nose for as long as I remember him fighting.
Arlovski used to be a very handsome chap (no homo) when he was the champion but those days are long gone it seems.
And it gets fully fixed? Then why Perry and Reyes don't go for it inmediately. They shouldn't fight again until they get their noses fixed's conditioning their performance so much...
Most don’t fix their noses and cauliflower ears until their careers are over. It’s just gonna get messed up and broken anyway. If affects their performance due to breathing you can make a case. But if it’s strictly cosmetic they usually wait.
Arlovski used to be a very handsome chap (no homo) when he was the champion but those days are long gone it seems.
His face hasn’t changed much. All he has to do is straighten his nose and grow his hair.
Perry had the cartilage removed, luckily he didnt look too different.
This fuckin guy! Got that shit smashed a bunch of times. I felt his pain irl, grabbed my nose and cringed.

like with ACL injuries I feel a huge part of recovery and future success is not just physical but also mental,

there could always be that slight doubt and fear in the back of the mind to commit 100% and so on, leading to more timidity,
seen it in other sports a lot of the time that athletes never look the same again after a bad knee injury, even if they had a great recovery and surgery etc..

(there are exceptions, but in those cases the athletes usually had to change their style and game to stay on top and be efficient in other ways)

fighters and athletes are not robots , people underestimate the mental part a lot I feel, just looking at stats and physical attributes a lot of the time :S
Depends on what you mean by recoverable. They probably will never be the handsome devils they were prior to their forced facial reconstruction, but I’d imagine a professional fighter wouldn’t let that sort of injury change their entire approach to offense/defense.
Mike Perry is a mess though. It would be mighty short sighted, or way generous, to claim that his nose injury is why his career is in shambles. The guy is a train wreck as a human being, it’s really hard to point to anything about his life that is publicly knowable and say that it’s going alright. It’s all just one big, chunky shit stew
Did Reyes het his nose broken again in his fight on Sat?
When I see them fight, I feel they are totally scared of receiving damage to their noses. They got their noses severely damaged in previous fights so it seems this is conditioning a lot their performance, both mentally and psicologically.

Can they recover from this? Is there a surgical solution for it?

I mean....look at this...


don't look at dustin's nose.

fighters don't usually fix their nose until they retire. The chances of getting broken again are high.
This. There is no reason to go through the final surgery to fix it for real when you have a high probability of breaking it again.

I remember a hockey player named Jeff Courtnal that had the worst nose in hockey and then as soon as he retired he got it fixed and looked 100% better. The reporter asked why he didn't do it sooner and he said he didn't want to do the surgery 6 times. haha
There’s a name I haven’t heard in a long time, remember the Courtnal brothers, both relatively good hockey players.