Media Dustin was gonna bottle Conor with his hot sauce

Good on Dustin, Dana always let Conor get away with BS like punching his opponents hand or kicking him. Not necessary to promote the fight
Conor stole 3 bottle of hot sauce, third one you can see his intensions through his glasses. It was funny that Dustin couldn't keep the third one. Conor will win like he stole that bottle. He'll KO Dustin stiff!
Conor was provoking and hoping Doostin hit him so he gets suspended, Conor wins and fights for the LW title.
Lol why's he getting so agitated. As if Conor would do anything, like hit him... it's all antics.

Dustin says he's bulletproof to this stuff yet here he is getting annoyed by it.
Lol why's he getting so agitated. As if Conor would do anything, like hit him... it's all antics.

Dustin says he's bulletproof to this stuff yet here he is getting annoyed by it.
Conor has a history of cheap shotting people. It would be stupid of Dustin to not expect some bullshit like that from Conor. And sure enough Conor tried to kick him about a half hour later. Why don’t you think before saying something that ridiculous?