Conor posts odd tweet with pics of Dustin and his daughter, then deletes

Dude knows all this stuff is going to get screenshotted and saved.

At this point he's just deliberately looking to end his own career. He knows Dana and the UFC already have plans to do another rematch, and the guy will do anything at this point to get out another ass whooping by the Diamond.

This way at least, he's going to go out looking like a total loser coward, but all his 10 and under IQ level fans will think he's some sort of badass tough guy.
There is no way he is not intoxicated or having a legit meltdown.

That foundation tweet makes literally no sense.

And posting a photo of Dustin with his INFANT DAUGHTER!?!? Follower by 'gonezo'?

The guy is actually threatening someone and their child with murder on Twitter, while posting a picture of said child. That actually just happened. Clearly there is a lot of truth to the stories of him hanging with the Kinahans and fancying himself a gangster.

If this hits mainstream press I wouldn't be surprised if it got him banned from Twitter. Also as big as a draw Conor is in MMA he nothing but an ant in the eyes of Big Mickey. All the mouse has to do is say no more business with McGregor and that's it - and this is the kinda shit that could actually lead to that happening.
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Dude must be coked out of his mind. Not even a public apology is saving his image at this point if any news outlets start throwing these tweets into public view.
Getting hit in the head, doing drugs, having a high intensity personality and ego, and breaking your leg for the 2nd loss to the same guy in months. Truly shocked by his behaviour the last few days, except i'm not because I don't suffer from autism.
That's fucking weird and he's completely out of his mind at this point.
Dustin crippled Conors brain with CTE in the first fight at LW, and crippled his leg in the 2nd fight making him unable to walk. I don't think threats on twitter are going to have any effect on Dustin.
this has to be a sell.

if he wanted actual harm done he would not post on social media.

also if he wanted to hurt dustin financially he would not give him fights every time.