I hate the girls that I meet in my 30’s

Let me tell you something man, life is way way shorter than you think. One of the first things to fade is beauty. You are going to wake up tomorrow and be 40 and wonder how the hell you got there so fast.
Yup, I'm 39 now. Last 10 years were full of life but man did they went away fast.
Acquire currency. Sharpen your social skills. I rarely meet girls online.
In accord with this;
Cheddar & Charm; Wealth & Wit only help attract the fairer sex.

I'm in my 30's too, but I'm very attractive so I can't relate.

I'm seeing two new ones. First, 26, kept stalking me at a bar. Next, 23, let me cut in line buying coffee then shakily asked if she could cover it. Not just me, I see ancient dudes with chicks even younger.


Let’s see pics playboy.
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Start dating young 20 somethings, problem solved...
Pretty much this.

Counter rant:
Dating girls in 20's is sooo much easier and nicer when you are in late 30's/early 40's than when you were in your 20's.
They respect you more since you have life experience and more income, less arguing and judgemental,less baggage and basically they are nicer to you overall.
It's supposed to be like this, then you get married with the 10 year age gap there.

Guys who got married when you were both 25...often it was a trap.
I'm not saying it's always like this or there aren't happy couples who married young there but I hear the same story so often...she got fat, she got attitude.
I am also way more capable and mature and able to be potentially a father now than I was 10-15 years ago, and the women in their 20's are so much easier to get along with and more attractive than women who are my contemporaries now.

Its a win-win.
Just date girls in their mid 20s, that's what I did, it was waay easier at 30 than when I was in my 20s.
Going to save you 7 years ...

Have some fun... I'm sure you have kinks not fulfilled ...

30s for men who can pay bills/cook/dance/flirt while having a decent time doing something they don't like to do like shopping are having fun.
I wish someone had told me when I was in my 20’s that women will suck when I’m older.
Going through college I hung around airline pilots more than anyone else. All of them were adamant about how bleak the relationship between men and women can be once passed age 35 or so. During this time I was in a committed relationship that was supposed to last forever. Well, it didn’t. I was then thrusted into the dating pool. My looks carried some weight and women much younger were always an option. You eventually get sick of the jealousy young women come with. Then it was time to date older women, 40’s. That shit is fun but embarrassing lol. Finally was able to weed out girls in their 30’s who weren’t desperate to become pregnant and found nothing but alcoholics. Now it’s time to find an immigrant woman who doesn’t mind doing dishes by hand in my shitty apartment. I’ll find a way to fuck that up too but at least I’ll have clean dishes for a year.
You eventually get sick of the jealousy young women come with.
Jealousy in you or in them?
I'm guessing you...it's all in your mind my friend.
Be confident and find one who is of good character and there isn't much to worry about.
Jealousy in you or in them?
I'm guessing you...it's all in your mind my friend.
Be confident and find one who is of good character and there isn't much to worry about.
Young women are psychotic. Jealous of other women hanging around you and also jealous that other women get to be single and free. They don’t want to be tied down and will blame that on you any chance they get.
Just bang chicks in their 20s then, what's the problem? You're only 32.
Just a bit of a vent.

When I was in my 20’s all the girls I met were attractive and hot and fun and had pretty good attitudes and just wanted to have fun.

Girls I meet in my 30’s just suck.

They’re older, they weigh more, and they somehow, SOMEHOW expect more when they are LESS attractive than they used to be and have a higher bodycount.

I wish someone had told me when I was in my 20’s that women will suck when I’m older.

I would have just gotten married to one of them or something. But then I just would have ended up divorced which would be worse.

I’m 32 and my kids mom is 29 and she looks like she’s 40 now and I look way younger. She looks like she got beaten with an ugly stick.

End Rant.
Dude.. I’m right there with you. And have thought about this many of times. I’m also 32 and literally every chick I’ve met my age has gone down hill or is on their way. My last GF was 23 and while she was attractive, our mentalities were too far apart. Here’s to hoping we can find a good 28er or younger haha.
Fuck noooo..Women in their 30s and 40s have the cougar/milf sexiness younger women cannot replicate. Helps when they have gigantic tits.
You should only be banging 10's with rounded elbows........ delete his account he's not a Sherdogger.............