Woodley vs. Paul Heavies Megathread

I don't give a shit what anyone has to say. If tyron can stand toe to toe with the best strikers in the world such as till, lawler, and wonderboy. He can definitely knock out jake. There is still too many unknowns with that cringy loud mouth disney kid. How good is his heart, cardio, and conditioning ? Its a no brainer that a multiple time ufc champion will brutally ktfo a tik tok dancing pansie.
Is it though? Jake clearly has better boxing technique based on the fights we’ve watched and Woodleys training videos.
here is the big problem imo

What is the mark of a shot fighter? it's a guy who can't get his shots off, who is timid, who has lost his timing and ability to execute.

Tyron looked alright his last fight but the fights before that were absolutely disgusting in how bad they were

it's easy to picture Tyron just standing there as Jake lands one on his chin
Woodley is gonna get paid. That's all he cares about, and that's all he should care about. Looking like a fool getting ko'ed by a youtuber makes you look less like a fool when you're getting more money off of that than all of us are making in half a lifetime.

And yet you're calling him a fool? He's on his way out, and he's getting paid millions.
Where did I call him a fool?
Perception is everything, right before Woodley fought Usman he was a God, people debating if he was better than GSP. Now he's got the same chance Askren did according to most people, crazy sport.
A professional fighter looking to cash in and make perhaps his biggest paycheck ever? Boy, oh, boy, that's really hard to believe.
Unless Woodley can land a huge right-hand shot in first 2 or 3 rounds............I can't really see Woodley winning this. He'll be too slow, he'll come in much heavier than he is used to fighting at, and I can see Woodley slowing down fairly quickly.
He might be too slow, too heavy, too old etc. to match Jake, but he's a lifelong athlete with some serious power and explosiveness who has been training with professional strikers and coaches for years. I would never count out a blitz from Woodley connecting and KO'ing Jake flat. A part of me actually expects it to happen, but we'll see.
Well, he'll definitely be motivated to beat that boy's ass after that stunt he pulled with Mama Woodley.

Everyone declaring that "beef" as scripted is living in a dream world. Not everything is fiction. Especially black people don't play around with their moms getting disrespected like that. That Paul bitchboy is trying to do to Woodley what McGregor did to Aldo in a way.

But yeah, Woodley will probably lose. I don't see him diving though.
Why should Woodley care about MMA fans? The vast majority of MMA fans used to shit on him constantly for the most part. If I was him I'd probably actively dislike MMA fans.
Probably cause he’s a race baiter who for the most part doesn’t perform or entertain.
did Brock Lesner always refer to his WWE days or even collegiate wrestling history when he was promoting his fights in MMA? fuck no! its apples and oranges so why would T-Wood be expected to "represent" mma and put undue stress on himself while doing something unrelated?
I wasn't saying you did. I wasn't quoting you, and "you" is a general term, too.
And that was the confusing part, you didn’t quote anyone yet you were responding so the only thing I can assume is that you were responding to the initial thread itself.
All i want is that Tyron fucking ends this guy...and all the people who tune in and think this is funny what this Paul Guy is doing, is going to have a harsh realitiy check...

I wanna see Paul knocked out bad...on his back snorting...
I want him to be O.K. after that of course but i hope this fights ends with Paul being face down ass up...or flat on his back...

I'm not sure how Woodley will look like...
He not known to be a fantastic stand up guy...he is a freaking wrestler with low volume punching who is over the hill and didnt pull the trigger in his last 5-6 fights, he showed heart against Luque and it was a fun fight...but i dont know man...
it will look bad.
Woodley is just gonna stare stare stare and be so tentative and hesitant and barely throw anything, and just become a punching bag, wait and see! I know Woodley to well and have seen his entire career

He might throw 5-6 punches per round, no more than that.
Stfu you're always posting crying threads. Just sit in your moms basement and stfu
Your avatar is of a dude pretending to give it doggy style to another dude, and you’re talking to me about mom’s basements, gtfoh you incel.
