Media Conor McGregor Passes Out After Clubbing and Partying in Hollywood

some gem replies in this thread, and a bunch of Conor nuthuggers and fratbro losers all up in arms, hah
Look at this total pathetic loser, would you? I mean could you be any less of a human being? Who raise this fool? And where does he get off Thinking that anybody cares about what he has to say or him at all anymore? Self-righteous fool.

I’m referring to TS of course.
Getting shitfaced drunk while healing a traumatic bone injury is the perfect way to ensure you lose even worse in your comeback fight
And people wonder why his career went downhill. Alcohol and physical wellbeing do not mix
Hes probably dead and they are figuring out how long they can get away with "Weekend at Bernies" -ing him till someone notices.
Alcoholic UFC fighter Conor McGregor Passes Out After Clubbing and Partying in Hollywood at Drake listening party

Conor McGregor Passes Out After Clubbing and Partying in Hollywood (


I hope he passed out before being subjected to listening to Drake.
It's just a setback.
Alcoholic UFC fighter Conor McGregor Passes Out After Clubbing and Partying in Hollywood at Drake listening party

Conor McGregor Passes Out After Clubbing and Partying in Hollywood (


I am having a dilemma. I cannot decide which is more pathetic....

1 - an adult attending a Drake listening party
2 - TMZ making 'breaking news" out of an adult resting in the car after clubbing
3 - anyone thinking a TMZ article is interesting news

I'm leaning heavily on #1 but I would like everyone's input on this
sorry guys he spilled my pint and I had to teach him a lesson, it wasn't drink that left him like this (well it was, but not directly).
Yes because nobody ever sleeps in cars except drunk alcoholics.

Seriously, I'm all for shitting on Conor when he says or does something stupid, but this is TMZ level bullshit.

That's because it is TMZ.