Rumored Conor Mcgregor ”hit” a DJ in Rome

Actually 4-0 against civilians, smashed phone guy, old man at the bar, MGK, Italian DJ. By Dana logic, should be in line for a title shot.
So what prob happened was he prob spoke of Conor like shit expecting Conor to not do anything then got smacked and is now crying to the media.
Yeah I highly doubt he did nothing to provoke
Heya, Sherdoggers. I got in touch with Francesco Facchinetti to have a first-hand statement from him. We ended up talking for about 30 minutes, where he went into details about what happened that night with Conor McGregor.

Let me know your thoughts on it.

DJ just said he wouldnt accept 10 milions to forget about it, he would rather go to court all the way in.
Heya, Sherdoggers. I got in touch with Francesco Facchinetti to have a first-hand statement from him. We ended up talking for about 30 minutes, where he went into details about what happened that night with Conor McGregor.

Let me know your thoughts on it.

Good stuff! :)
Again…. is this dude married with kids ?? Wifey where are you ?? So weird your husband is one of the most famous people on the planet and nobody even knows If you exist
You must be referring to Khabib’s wife I guess, cuz everyone knows Dee
Conor proving MMA training can win street fights, lets go!
you do realize he had previously punched a 70 year old for refusing his whiskey?

yeah, i'm sure it wasn't entirely out of nowhere. it was likely just some retarded fucking reason that didn't justify the attack in any way.
A 50 year old, not 70
Sorry, I have no idea about the forum's policy because I have to confess -- to my shame -- that I pop up here just from time to time. Did I do anything wrong?
So an 80 year old ate his punch and now a DJ. Conor is finished.
The man was 50 years old ffs. But he seems to get older every time he gets brought up in discussions. Not long till we read “ Conor hit the oldest man in the world at a bar” here on Sherdog
the music that guy plays is gay as fuck, I'd punch him too
Sorry, I have no idea about the forum's policy because I have to confess -- to my shame -- that I pop up here just from time to time. Did I do anything wrong?
Most of us, to be sure, don't think you've done anything even resembling wrong.

The message board staff here can be... Heavy-handed, let's say.
The funny thing about this thread...or is it ironic? I don't know... but the funny thing about this thread is 90% of you are talking chit that would get you all punched by Conor if he was in front of your face.

And youd all deserve it probably as much as the old man in the bar or the dj in Italy.
So you’re still continuing to worship this fool, you deserve a punch in the face yourself you celebrity worshipping gimp.
Sorry, I have no idea about the forum's policy because I have to confess -- to my shame -- that I pop up here just from time to time. Did I do anything wrong?
Nothing wrong, thanks for the news mate.