Social Kyle Rittenhouse updates

If I gather correctly, the intent with the hand gesture was either to convey support for white supremacy or to pretend to support white supremacy to get under people's skin. Thus, pretending to be racist.

At best, he's not racist but just telling a racist joke.

For polite company it not a good look either way.

You don't gather correctly.

The intent was to take images like this:


... and use them to claim that Obama (or whomever) was a secret racist... "for teh lols" in 4chan parlance.

That's it. That's all it was. That's the whole "hoax."

And now people who are not even in on the hoax take any picture of anyone they dislike giving the okay sign, and claim they're racist... strengthening the hoax.

And YES then you have people on the right stoking the flames further by flashing the hand sign, because that brings teh lols, as well. And I suppose that's where your criticism maybe seems to have some merit.

Except here's the thing about secret hand signals: They're virtually worthless if they're ubiquitous. How in hell are you supposed to know the difference between Obama et al giving an Okay sign and some KKK Grand Wizard secretly signaling his KKK brethren? How are the KKK brethren supposed to know the difference? How does that even function as a secret signal to anything if it's everywhere? And that's where your critique falls apart again.

It's all very Pynchonesque.

I don’t blame him for the self defense part but I do blame him for apparently illegally carrying a firearm into what he and everyone else knew was an incredibly contentious riot. It’s like illegally carrying some weapon into a metal concert and then going into a mosh pit and tazing someone for knocking you over. What the fuck did you think would happen…

Getting knocked around is the point of a mosh pit and is 100% expected. Going to a riot prepared and defending your own life is not the same thing.
They were trying to seriously injure him. You defend yourself in that situation. Of course.

timestamped 2:46

This had me laughing because his take is so dead on with a lot of the Sherdog Libs who used to post in this thread and still pop in now and then to let us know about state lines. This youtuber may lurk or post here.
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Getting knocked around is the point of a mosh pit and is 100% expected. Going to a riot prepared and defending your own life is not the same thing.

Yes, you can 100% expect to get knocked around a mosh pit and thus seeking one out and bringing a weapon into it to strike back with is irresponsible. Just like you can expect to run into physical altercations at riots and illegally carrying a weapon to one is purposely putting yourself into a dangerous situation and then shooting your way out. Really fucking dumb.
Then charge him for the illegal carry and move on. Its a misdemeanor and he pays a fine. The end.

In the context of illegally carrying into a riot where you know the probability of encountering physical altercations is extremely high and then using said illegal weapon to shoot your way out should carry more than a fine. We will see what Kyle’s fate is.
Yes, you can 100% expect to get knocked around a mosh pit and thus seeking one out and bringing a weapon into it to strike back with is irresponsible. Just like you can expect to run into physical altercations at riots and illegally carrying a weapon to one is purposely putting yourself into a dangerous situation and then shooting your way out. Really fucking dumb.

No, I disagree. The point of a mosh pit is to get knocked around. Kyle was ready for trouble but you aren’t guaranteed to have it at a protest/riot and certainly not to the degree that he found
I don't understand why people don't want to see Kyle get off free.
A lot of people are being mislead by the media about what actually happened that night. Read through the youtube comments on a Rittenhouse video from a liberal site. It will make your brain hurt.
I don't understand why people don't want to see Kyle get off free.
Because the rioters were bad guys being lead by evil propaganda media and were hurting people and rioting for absolutely no reason whatsoever other than to get trump out on behalf of the corpo-uniparty. The people burning down buildings night after night and leveling entire blocks in Minneapolis burned out, were the bad guys, even though the bs plutocracy got behind the insanity.. So people showing up to stop their violence and protect businesses were not bad, and if they were violently assaulted with weapons, they deserved to defend themselves.

Please. Read it twice.


This had me laughing because his take is so dead on with a lot of the Sherdog Libs who used to post in this thread and still pop in now and then to let us know about state lines. This youtuber may lurk or post here.

I am so confused. The video you posted is of a guy slamming the prosecution and their attempts to smear Rittenhouse and failing miserably, not of some lib tard
A lot of people are being mislead by the media about what actually happened that night. Read through the youtube comments on a Rittenhouse video from a liberal site. It will make your brain hurt.

I love reading them. People are so fucking stupid. The comment sections have even dumber people than we do.
I am so confused. The video you posted is of a guy slamming the prosecution and their attempts to smear Rittenhouse and failing miserably, not of some lib tard

I've got it time stamped (2:46) at a part where he is sarcastically making fun of the lib's obsession with state lines regarding this case. I thought that it was funny in the context of shit that has been said in this thread. Maybe I'm alone on that.

I was just posting it for the state line rant, nothing before or beyond that.
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No, I disagree. The point of a mosh pit is to get knocked around. Kyle was ready for trouble but you aren’t guaranteed to have it at a protest/riot and certainly not to the degree that he found

Lol, you can’t look at that scene Kyle drove himself to and not expect there is a high, high probability you will find trouble. That’s ridiculous.
I've got it time stamped (2:46) at a part where he is sarcastically making fun of the lib's obsession with state lines regarding this case. I thought that it was funny. Maybe I'm alone on that.

I was just posting it for the state line rant.

conservatives: we don’t need new gun laws, we need to enforce the ones we already have more strictly.

also conservatives: except this time.
conservatives: we don’t need new gun laws, we need to enforce the ones we already have more strictly.

also conservatives: except this time.


That is from the Criminal Complaint. He is being charged. What isn't being enforced?
So because he lied to his mother and to the militia he was with it means nobody is at fault because he's a minor? There's plenty of blame to go around here and trying to excuse all his actions and excuse anyone around him of responsibility sure sounds like an emotional response to protect your team to me. As I stated earlier it's pretty clear this episode has shown the partisan divide we have in this country on both sides.

But I guess the question is, what if this wasn't a partisan event? What of the people involved had zero partisan allegiances? What if race wasn't a factor (which it only is just barely, anyway, considering that all of the people involved were white)?

Let's say someone won an important football game, riots ensue, and the exact same stuff goes down?

Taking partisanship out of it, and looking at the facts alone, is this a case of self-defense, or isn't it?

What if the 17 year old is a left wing type, and the protesters and rioters are right wing types, and the same things happen? Is that self defense?

I feel like that's self defense regardless of politics. Based solely on what actually took place, I'm legitimately confused about how anyone thinks it isn't self defense, sans politics. I suspect that those people would change their view if the politics changed. (Just as I suspect a whole lot of people who currently see it as a clear case of self-defense would change their stance if the politics were reversed.)

Some of us aren't basing our opinion on any of that. We're basing it on what actually happened that night, as we understand it.

Your point that maybe someone should have had better tabs on him has some validity, I suppose, but I honestly don't see how it's particularly relevant. Are you telling me that when you were a 17 year old boy, the adults in your life knew where you were, and were able to control what you were up to, at all times? You're pretty rare if that's the case.

He was stupid and never should have been there. He's lucky he didn't end up dead. But he somehow managed to get out of a pretty dangerous situation alive. I don't understand why I'm supposed to feel mad about that. It's like being angry that a 17 year old kid who goes out riding hos motorcycle without his helmet makes it home alive. Sure, he shouldn't have done that. Of course, he should have been (theoretically) better supervised. But that doesn't mean I'm going to wish death on him.

What exactly are you guys wishing had happened to Rittenhouse at the hands of Rosenbaum and others who were attempting to assault him that night?

That is from the Criminal Complaint. He is being charged. What isn't being enforced?

There’s soooooooo many posts in this thread saying he should get off scot free I’m not sure how it’s possible this went over your head.
He wasnt just a good shot, everything he did was done with poise and thought first, then action. He wasnt firing blindly or without a reason. Its not a coincidence that everyone he shot was practically in arms reach despite the fact that he was carrying a rifle. He waited until he was obviously in danger.

I have no idea what, if any qualifications he had. But I also dont really care. I care about what laws are being broken. If his action break some sort of law because he doesnt possess a certification or training of some kind, then charge him. But if his actions arent unlawful, the it doesnt really matter how much anyone thinks his actions should be unlawful. They either are unlawful, or they are not. If they are, point out what law hes breaking. If not, then it doesnt make a difference. You can argue that something should be a law that isnt, but that doesnt mean it can be argued that Rittenhouse broke it.
He's a minor that armed himself and went there without permission apparently. It might just be a misdemeanor but he should never have been there. Maybe he just wanted to help but by arming himself it shows he knew it was a dangerous situation and he was willing to go there even if it meant he had to shoot someone.