$1 million cash or a chance to win $1 billion on a coin flip?


Brown Belt
Jan 7, 2011
Reaction score
You only have 15 seconds to decide after reading this sentence.

Time's up. What did you choose and why?

EDIT: for people living in NYC or San Francisco, make it $2 million if you want. You guys are crazy mofos, lol.
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It is if you know how to invest.
Oh so you can live off the tiny % of dividends?

Dont think you understand the difference between a billion and a million. Youll live comfortably on a million, you'll live like a king with a billion. Gimme the fifty fifty.
Money ruins people, and I'd rather get ruined by more money than I'd be able to spend in my lifetime, and not end up like a bum, eventually crawling on my knees begging for forgiveness to people who I've turned my back to.

I'd take a shot at the billion or continue my life the way I am now. I'm not good with managing large sums of spare money. I'd find a way how to piss away a million quickly and wastefully.
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If we go by math, not picking the coin flip is illogical but I would still take the cash. Funny how our brain works.