Crypto Megathread V23 - Good Things Come to Those Who HODL

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I buy shit and roll profits into LINK and send it to the ledger. I don't only hold LINK. I DCA into it and another project.

Holding is the safest thing you can do. I am not trying to swing and time the market. But I do buy stuff and when it goes up and swap it for LINK.

Ahhh..gotcha. Sounds like you are doing well then! I try to time the market a bit but obviously in crypto that's a good way to lose a boatload of money! I didn't realize you were kind of using LINK as an offline hold. Are you thinking it's basically like your savings, except it increases FAR faster than USD sitting in a bank? I'm kind of using USDC for that purpose but only getting 9% APY from it. But it's 99% safe and I"m cool with teh stability it offers for now to sort of support and level out my other crypto tokens volitility.

For those that might be new and are risk adverse like me ;) A reminder BlockFi and Voyager are giving you 9% APY paid out monthly on stablecoins. Not a bad place IMO if you want some slow stable growth.
Ahhh..gotcha. Sounds like you are doing well then! I try to time the market a bit but obviously in crypto that's a good way to lose a boatload of money! I didn't realize you were kind of using LINK as an offline hold. Are you thinking it's basically like your savings, except it increases FAR faster than USD sitting in a bank? I'm kind of using USDC for that purpose but only getting 9% APY from it. But it's 99% safe and I"m cool with teh stability it offers for now to sort of support and level out my other crypto tokens volitility.

For those that might be new and are risk adverse like me ;) A reminder BlockFi and Voyager are giving you 9% APY paid out monthly on stablecoins. Not a bad place IMO if you want some slow stable growth.
"Concentration builds wealth, diversification preserves it". Choose 2 or 3 projects that you believe in and DCA into them. If you see opportunities to make a quick buck jump on them and roll those profits into your wealth building portfolio. Once you have created the wealth diversify to preserve it. Don't over complicate things. If you learn to use defi you can get double to triple what you get using cefi for your USDC. Just DOYR.

You are gambling with the majority of your capital by spreading it out over many projects in a market that is known for rugs and projects tanking and never recovering. That is very risky for someone that is risk adverse like you say.
I buy shit and roll profits into LINK and send it to the ledger. I don't only hold LINK. I DCA into it and another project.

Holding is the safest thing you can do. I am not trying to swing and time the market. But I do buy stuff and when it goes up and swap it for LINK.


I'm a colors of the wind guy through and through, but I roll all of my profits into the select few projects that I feel will make not only myself but my lineage on down the line rich.

Generational wealth is the goal.
Okay whatever lol I'm no alt I assure you. Haven't posted in here for a long time as I'm a Boxing fan not MMA but was bored at work last week and started posting on the crypto thread only.


Your input and opinions are welcome here.
"Concentration builds wealth, diversification preserves it". Choose 2 or 3 projects that you believe in and DCA into them. If you see opportunities to make a quick buck jump on them and roll those profits into your wealth building portfolio. Once you have created the wealth diversify to preserve it. Don't over complicate things. If you learn to use defi you can get double to triple what you get using cefi for your USDC. Just DOYR.

You are gambling with the majority of your capital by spreading it out over many projects in a market that is known for rugs and projects tanking and never recovering. That is very risky for someone that is risk adverse like you say.
I am doing similar to him. It’s actually been working pretty good as long as you remember to level out. Most of the projects are good. The problem with only picking 2 or 3 projects is watching the others take off, then realizing you may have picked wrong. I mean. Imagine Diamond handing only Link and Vet for the past 6 months. I have been making out good becuade I’m spread out and when one takes off, level it out and either put it back into the project, or put it into a different one.

I now have 35 investments and about a dozen more moon bags. But I consider anything I have put more than $50 in as an investment and less is a moonbag. So there is a difference in people’s standards. But if I had only picked 2, 3, or even 5. I never would have made decent profit on Atom, Matic, Powerledger, API3, Polkadot, and even Shiba. I would have only really made enough gains to level out of BTC, Algo, and Cardano (ADA I only have house money left in and no longer DCA into it as it looks to not be keeping up with its rivals or it’s own promises)

Everyone has different tactics. I feel the route is safer because some will fail as expected, but I would rather have 3 or 4 investments fail out of 20, than 1 of 4. Lower risk for a lower reward, but still a decent reward without the risk of the one I put everything into being the wrong choice. But I’m sure Ninja, like me, puts far more into one we believe in will be a bigger success.
Just taking a break from the neverending report. It's..... going. Gotta be honest, my investments are just riding as I'm fully focused with an actual task that will likely lead to nothing substantial being done. But I'll be glad when it's over and I get get back to enjoying charts.

We'll be glad to have you back bud. :)
Not going lower for the time being.

Sub 30k would be in a few months and i said its a possibility, but its not my current position

Sorry, I misunderstood. The way I read your first comment, I thought you believed that we hit the bottom of this down trend. So when I read your second comment I thought you kind of changed your mind. My bad.

Any way I hope we have hit the bottom.
We'll be glad to have you back bud. :)
Back for a hot minute. Then likely vanishing again. We had to take a month off from the research/report simply because everyone was burnt out. Then the holidays roll around and people are gone for various family shite.

But on the plus side, I found some of Jake Paul's previously unseen wallets. I found more of the devs' wallets, including the CEO. I found the tether washing wallets. I was able to get a couple new guys who work in decompiling scripts, and a new script-writer for compiling $value of transactions at the time of txn. So.... some good, some bad.

I'll be straight-up though, writing the report from the piles of info has been a nightmare due to the speed in which things change and new materials are found every few days or so. You really just kinda have to choose when to stop taking in new info for your own brain's sake.
Sorry, I misunderstood. The way I read your first comment, I thought you believed that we hit the bottom of this down trend. So when I read your second comment I thought you kind of changed your mind. My bad.

Any way I hope we have hit the bottom.

No i understand why you would think that from what i wrote.

I'm pretty sure we will start uptrending in the next couple of weeks but rejection at key levels would confirm bear market and if we start the bear from a 69k double top i would start looking for sub 30k

BTC bears markets have so far always bounced from the 200 WMA wich is currently sitting at 19k
Enjoy being a salty no linker lol. Didn't read the /biz/ post either, did ya?
I like how this fool is repeating 'you're all salty no linkers' but has made a net loss holding link this past year- while others have done 5x or 10x on their coins but are chill about it and encouraging to others.
A connection maybe?
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