Anyone ever seen the Beach?

Just saw it I really liked it, Leo gets laid a lot and there is beautiful shots. I also love the paradise island idea and how it must come to an end and free spirited youths

I saw it at the cinema. I liked it (from what I remember, it was a looong time ago).
Just watched this again last week. Decent movie but not quite as good as I remember. Soundtrack was great.
Just saw it I really liked it, Leo gets laid a lot and there is beautiful shots. I also love the paradise island idea and how it must come to an end and free spirited youths

Yes, not a bad movie.
Been to the island where they filmed it too, the part making it a closed ring is CGI though
Is that the one with Madonna and guy Ritchie?
Yeah, it's a decent movie
Classic backpacker movie...

The real beach in Thailand is a tourist shithole though...
Read the Book, so much better.

the scenery in the film was fantastic but they changed several things from the book.

and stupid shit like this should have been edited out:
I read that the book is a lot less sexual that Richard (Leo) doesnt cuck the french guy Etienne or bang Sal

that is correct. they have a drunken/sloppy kiss but that's it.

but there is almost like a Lord of the Flies moment in the book as well. definitely worth the read imo
that is correct. they have a drunken/sloppy kiss but that's it.

but there is almost like a Lord of the Flies moment in the book as well. definitely worth the read imo

Yes I plan to read it. So cliche that a US film has to add sex scenes in, but in my opinion it was done well and could likely happen on an island of pot head libertarians. It seems very believable that francoise could cheat, but at the same a drunken kiss is also plausible for a girl who does value fidelity but slips up for a brief moment. I also heard the book is more atmosphere driven.
Pretty good movie imo.

it received a lot of proto-hipster hate for quite some time because Leo was a lot more hated when it came out (I think he ended that with his good performance in Blood Diamond), and it basically being fairly derivative of Lord of the Flies.
Yes I plan to read it. So cliche that a US film has to add sex scenes in, but in my opinion it was done well and could likely happen on an island of pot head libertarians. It seems very believable that francoise could cheat, but at the same a drunken kiss is also plausible for a girl who does value fidelity but slips up for a brief moment. I also heard the book is more atmosphere driven.

it really is much more atmospheric driven...

the theme of "utopian libertarian, bliss lifestyle" is well captured in the novel, and of course...the 180 of this after the shark attack that kills one and maims another.
Pretty good movie imo.

it received a lot of proto-hipster hate for quite some time because Leo was a lot more hated when it came out (I think he ended that with his good performance in Blood Diamond), and it basically being fairly derivative of Lord of the Flies.

yea, it definitely got a lot of undeserved hate. IIRC, this was a few years after Titanic was released and the world had enough of Dicaprio and hated on him, like people hate on Tom Brady...for no real, just reason.