Social Worst acid reflux/heartburn

Chad R. Thundercock

Cooler than the other side of the pillow.
Nov 30, 2005
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One time, I ate two pints of Ben and Jerry's (Cherry Garcia and Strawberry Cheesecake ftw) and an entire bag of family size Hot Cheetos. The next morning, I woke up with the nastiest acid regurgitation lodged in my throat and a wicked heartburn to match.

The pain was so unbearable. I thought I was getting the acid bath fatality from Reptiles in Mortal Kombat II. I thought my innards were going to slowly reveal themselves through the acid burn...

Don't ever mix dairy product with hot food, lol
TS just doxed him

On Tuesday, the 22-year-old alarmed fans by posting a photo of himself in the back seat of an ambulance on his Instagram story.

He quickly posted a new clip revealing: "I was in the hospital not due to any drugs but I guess I ate too many Hot Cheetos and it ripped something in my stomach open so I puked a little blood".

The rapper's Total Xanarchy tour kicks off in New York City on Wednesday.

It's not the first time the snacks have been in the news because of health concerns.

Your music sucks TS but I hope you learned your lesson
I thought I had bad indigestion/heart burn....took a bunch of stuff to help and only ending up making it worse.....becuase it was gall stones.
Still deciding if I need to have my gall bladder removed, but just make sure you're not dealing with the same issue I was.
Jalapeño poppers can fuck you up too. But they're so damn delicious...
pretty much every buffet in chinatown, not white poeple chinese but chinese chinese

One of the fondest memories I have of a Chinese buffet is this one time where I saw this old man standing in front a steam table with a twinkle in his eyes and a goofy smile on his face. Out of nowhere, he blurted out, "Mmm, Chinese pizza!"

It was so wholesome and hilarious at the same time. Every time I see a pizza at a Chinese buffet, I can't help but think of that old man and his facial expression.
I think I've permanently fucked up my throat. I have chronic LPR now. It's the type of reflux that doesn't even cause heartburn most of the time. You just know it's happening when there's constant mucus buildup in your throat and it just gets tight.

When it started I noticed a ton of mucus to the point where I had to constantly swallow it while laying down at night. It was like never ending post nasal drip. Then my voice started giving out. It sounded like I had laryngitis for eight months straight. When it was at it's worst I could hardly talk and it was a giant strain to project my voice. Mind you, very few instances of heartburn through out all of this. It was just peptides leaking out into my esophagus.

Finally, when I finally had the cause nailed down I had to make some changes... I now sleep with a wedge pillow at night to stay elevated. I also eat slower. When I notice that my throat starts getting tight and mucus starts building up I take Gaviscon right away... and the good Gaviscon from England, not the trash they sell in the US. The stuff that's not approved by the FDA has sodium alginate in it and works like a charm.
I think I've permanently fucked up my throat. I have chronic LPR now. It's the type of reflux that doesn't even cause heartburn most of the time. You just know it's happening when there's constant mucus buildup in your throat and it just gets tight.

When it started I noticed a ton of mucus to the point where I had to constantly swallow it while laying down at night. It was like never ending post nasal drip. Then my voice started giving out. It sounded like I had laryngitis for eight months straight. When it was at it's worst I could hardly talk and it was a giant strain to project my voice. Mind you, very few instances of heartburn through out all of this. It was just peptides leaking out into my esophagus.

Finally, when I finally had the cause nailed down I had to make some changes... I now sleep with a wedge pillow at night to stay elevated. I also eat slower. When I notice that my throat starts getting tight and mucus starts building up I take Gaviscon right away... and the good Gaviscon from England, not the trash they sell in the US. The stuff that's not approved by the FDA has sodium alginate in it and works like a charm.

Are you me? I've always had the mucus-clogging-throat issue since forever. I should go see a GERD specialist now...damn lol
Had to have been Scotch/cigar induced acid reflux. Burn during the morning after coffee is brutal but kind of feels good.