Law Gun Safety Legislation: Signed into Law

What possible legislation are you open to for guns?

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I don't think you're disingenuous anymore...just fully aware now that repeated killings of school children isn't worth trying to stop as far as you're concerned if it makes it less convenient for you or anyone else to buy AR 15 style weapons at your leisure.

Just say that instead of all the chaff about how mental health is the problem or whatever else you're blaming the influx of mass school killings on.

You guys just keep blaming the gun . . . . that'll solve the issue.
This is why I can't stand discussing things with some of you . . . .

Please pay attention to what I'm saying here. Are you ready to read and comprehend?

I believe that one of the solutions to limit shootings at schools would be for schools to hire DEDICATED security guards who have the sole job of protecting the school and occupants (this is done every day in federal buildings and courthouses). The school's physical security would be adjusted such that there would be a single (guarded) point of entry. Every exterior door would be equipped with a door alarm to notify security staff that it is opened. The school security would be located in a position to defend the entry and prevent an unauthorized person from gaining entry. This is night and day different than police chasing someone who gained entry via an open door. Also, allowing teachers who choose to be armed to do so in order to be a last line of defense for their specific classroom should also be an option. I'm not asking teachers to roam the halls and search for a shooter. I'm asking that they be given a chance to defend themselves and their students.

Using the lack of response from police as justification for not supporting school security is ridiculous.

Why is this ridiculous? We have seen numerous times where cops have dropped the ball in these situations but you think a rent a cop will be better? These cops received specific training for a situation like this earlier in the year and still dropped the ball.

You would rather have schools resemble low security prison than restrict people's access to guns.

We get it man, you love your guns. These kids are just part of the collateral damage in protecting your rights.
What don't I understand?

In the comment below you're implying that the sole purpose for anyone to buy a specific firearm is for the intent to kill people. Therefore we need to be able to sue a gun manufacturer when that tool is used to do so.

Sure, if they start designing cars intended to kill people.

I don't need your personal gut feeling philosophy either, tell me what I'm not understanding about the purpose difference between semi automatic rifles and cars.

Tools can be misused. The manufacturer isn't responsible for that misuse. We apparently differ when it comes to who is to blame for the result of that misuse.
Why is this ridiculous? We have seen numerous times where cops have dropped the ball in these situations but you think a rent a cop will be better? These cops received specific training for a situation like this earlier in the year and still dropped the ball.

I see you skipped the comprehend part again . . . .

You would rather have schools resemble low security prison than restrict people's access to guns.

There it is . . . another emotional argument against improving school security.

We get it man, you love your guns. These kids are just part of the collateral damage in protecting your rights.

Which rights are you willing to give up in the name of "saving the children"?
I see you skipped the comprehend part again . . . .

There it is . . . another emotional argument against improving school security.

Which rights are you willing to give up in the name of "saving the children"?

See, I don't feel the need to own a gun. I don't mind if the access to guns is restricted. How about each gun can only hold one bullet? I would be happy to give up my right to high capacity magazines.

Let me ask you, are you willing to give up your right to a high capacity magazine? Could you live with this?
Cool story bro.

What was their collective kill count?

Who? Government employed snipers?

You better have a seat, Dennis...

Just think, if Trudeau ran the United States, children would be able to go to school without worrying about being massacred.

And all it would cost is a change in a silly old law.

It's amusing when some foreigners hate the US Constitution with such vigor!
Who? Government employed snipers?

You better have a seat, Dennis...

It's amusing when some foreigners hate the US Constitution with such vigor!

Nobody hates the US Constitution, but some hate the way wimpy cowards hide behind it while kids who have no say in it get slaughtered.
@My Spot do you still got the pic with my suggestions?
In the comment below you're implying that the sole purpose for anyone to buy a specific firearm is for the intent to kill people. Therefore we need to be able to sue a gun manufacturer when that tool is used to do so.

Tools can be misused. The manufacturer isn't responsible for that misuse. We apparently differ when it comes to who is to blame for the result of that misuse.
No no your first line of this post you're already inventing shit. One of the main purposes of a gun is to incapacitate people. No purpose of a car is to incapacitate people.
Ammosexuals ITT:


It's not fine.

But liberals don't want to do anything but ban guns and rightwingers don't really like social programs and the government spending money so we're stuck with doing nothing.

A question for you. Let's pretend we are congressmen looking to make a deal. I say I'm not willing to budge on mag restrictions, type of guns or conceal and carry but am otherwise willing to hear you out on sensible gun control do you think we could reach a deal? Want a waiting period ? How's a month unless someone is in immediate danger. Want to up the age to buy an AR 15 ? 21 seems fair to me and I'm not willing to fight super hard on that. I don't have any issue with red flag laws as long as there is due process and its not used as a political weapon. Hell if you are willing to get rid of the nfa and legal non felons can literally own any gun they want at any barrel length and even selective fire and its done fairly I would be open to a gun application program instead of it being an automatic right.
It's not fine.

But liberals don't want to do anything but ban guns and rightwingers don't really like social programs and the government spending money so we're stuck with doing nothing.

A question for you. Let's pretend we are congressmen looking to make a deal. I say I'm not willing to budge on mag restrictions, type of guns or conceal and carry but am otherwise willing to hear you out on sensible gun control do you think we could reach a deal? Want a waiting period ? How's a month unless someone is in immediate danger. Want to up the age to buy an AR 15 ? 21 seems fair to me and I'm not willing to fight super hard on that. I don't have any issue with red flag laws as long as there is due process and its not used as a political weapon. Hell if you are willing to get rid of the nfa and legal non felons can literally own any gun they want at any barrel length and even selective fire and its done fairly I would be open to a gun application program instead of it being an automatic right.
Personally, I think a tiered system has some merit. Classify firearms based on how many shots they can fire within a pre-determined time period into 3, 5, 10 tiers. The number is secondary to the point.

New owners can only buy from Tier 1. After X years without adverse incidences, which could range from speeding tickets to felony arrests, they graduate to the next tier. Set the tiers appropriately far apart and you don't have to restrict gun types or magazines or licenses to carry. Instead, your newest buyers are stuck with low danger firearms and gradually prove that they're responsible enough to own more dangerous options.

Selling to someone beyond their tier level is a major felony resulting in 25 years in jail. Firearms are registered and sellers have to provide proof that their weapons are still in their control or records of who/when they were sold.

It doesn't do anything about lagacy weapons but that's a different question for a different day.
See, I don't feel the need to own a gun.

That's your right to choose to do so . . . many of us choose something different.

I don't mind if the access to guns is restricted. How about each gun can only hold one bullet? I would be happy to give up my right to high capacity magazines.

Of course you (as someone who doesn't want to own a gun) would feel this way.

Let me ask you, are you willing to give up your right to a high capacity magazine?

To make you feel safer? Nope.

Could you live with this?

Live with what? New red flag laws?