Mega Millions is over a BILLION! If you win what are doing with the money?

  1. Lump Sum
  2. Anonymous
  3. Set up residence in a state with no income tax (probably Florida or Tennessee) before claiming the ticket
  4. I have a big family so I'd spread a lot around. Probably half for us, split a quarter among my kids and dole out the last quarter.
4. I'm going to pay off the mortgage. I'll scale back my hours at work. The kids won't know, other than me telling them a year from now that we have come into some money, therefore, they can apply to any college they want.
Number 4 may be tough to pull off. The take home with no state income tax is $380 Million.
Bought 3 tickets today (Quick pick). Chance of a single ticket hitting the mother lode is roughly 1 in 302.5 million. I still fancy my chances.


Here are a few questions for an interesting discussion:

1. If you win are you taking a lump sum or annuity payments?

-If you take lump sum you have to pay a heavy tax straight away and will end up with half of the winnings or even less.

-Annuity of 30 payments are spread out over 29 years. You will get almost a whole pie but there is no guarantee what can happen to you during those years.

2. Are you going to reveal your identity on camera or stay anonymous?

-The 11 states that currently allow lottery winners to remain anonymous where a winning ticket was purchased in their state are: Arizona, Delaware, Georgia, Kansas, Maryland, New Jersey, North Dakota, Ohio, South Carolina, Virginia and Texas

-If you are not in one of those states, there is still a way not to reveal your identity. You can create a trust and someone in your name can collect the winnings.

3. After you found out that you won, are you cashing out the ticket the next day or lay low for a few days, weeks or even months and think about what to do next?

4. After you received the winnings, how are you going to spread the wealth between your family and close friends. How much are you going to give them?

Good luck to everyone!


Imma tell people it's someone else with my name and keep working at my job for a year then fall of the planet after that.
1. Lump Sum

2. Anonymous but can't do it in my state I don't believe

3. Get a lawyer, get a trust set up, get things in order for a few days, but would cash out ASAP so nothing weird happens with my ticket. I don't think I could sleep at night with that ticket sitting somewhere uncashed.

4. Friends....wouldn't necessarily just "give" them things per se. Family would each get a few million for sure. Why not? In general I would pay for trips for people to do together. Like I'm not just gonna give friends $500k or give family $10mil, BUT I would rent an island and pay for everyone to fly in and pay for all activities and food and drinks while they were there.
But just giving money away to people seems like a recipe for them to blow it on dumb stuff, or get themselves into financial problems and come to you expecting you to bail them out. Like they'd buy expensive cars or some big houses are realize they can't afford insurance or property taxes on it.

Id talk to all my family that’s close and pay all their debts, get them nice houses in a safe neighborhood that works for them and a nice reliable car if they have kids a couple bucks in trust for their college or to use to follow their goals once they turn 18 with the condition that none of them can ever ask me for any money.

Also I’d wait to claim it right before a big holiday and in my state you can’t be anonymous but you can wear a mask.
This is what I would do:

1. Take the lump sum which will be approximately 400M in NYC after all the taxes are taken out.

2. Stay Anonymous. Since New York doesn't give us this option I will set up a trust.

3. Stay low for couple weeks. But first I would sign the ticket and make a few copies of it. Than I would put it away in my safe and think about my next step.

4. I would give my Mom, Brother and Sister 50M each. Remaining 250M I would keep it for myself.
1. If you win are you taking a lump sum or annuity payments?

-If you take lump sum you have to pay a heavy tax straight away and will end up with half of the winnings or even less.

-Annuity of 30 payments are spread out over 29 years. You will get almost a whole pie but there is no guarantee what can happen to you during those years.

2. Are you going to reveal your identity on camera or stay anonymous?

-The 11 states that currently allow lottery winners to remain anonymous where a winning ticket was purchased in their state are: Arizona, Delaware, Georgia, Kansas, Maryland, New Jersey, North Dakota, Ohio, South Carolina, Virginia and Texas

-If you are not in one of those states, there is still a way not to reveal your identity. You can create a trust and someone in your name can collect the winnings.

3. After you found out that you won, are you cashing out the ticket the next day or lay low for a few days, weeks or even months and think about what to do next?

4. After you received the winnings, how are you going to spread the wealth between your family and close friends. How much are you going to give them?

Good luck to everyone!

1) Can you will your winnings to someone else, in case you die, so they then receive the remaining payments?

2) Absolutely remain anonymous; are you nuts? lol
3) Definitely treat them to some NIIIICE vacations and gifts and new houses.

roughly 1 in 302.5 million
I’d probably do the trust option; lump sum. Would not splurge and I would give to family and friends.
Decided to add one more question:

5. What are you going to buy for yourself right away? Ex: House, car, yacht, any collectables?

If you going to buy a house: In which state or maybe another country?

Post pictures.
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1) Can you will your winnings to someone else, in case you die, so they then receive the remaining payments?

2) Absolutely remain anonymous; are you nuts? lol
3) Definitely treat them to some NIIIICE vacations and gifts and new houses.


1. If a jackpot winner dies before receiving all annual installments, the balance of the prize will be paid to the winner's estate. Upon receipt of a court order, annual prize payments will continue to be paid to the winner's heirs. Other provisions may also apply depending on the laws of the lottery paying the prize.

But there is still a risk. What if the lottery or US go bankrupt.
Decided to add one more question:

5. What are you going to buy for yourself right away? Ex: House, yacht, any collectables?
House in Carmel next to Brad Pitt. One of my very favourite California towns which got even more favourite when Brad bought property recently, Clint Eastwood used to be the mayor.




1. Lump sum
2. Anonymous via Trust/Lawyer.
3. Keep it on the down-low as much as possible until things were in place to protect family.
4. I'd help my immediate family out. Pay-off any debt and then set up trusts for my daughters and younger nieces and nephews.
5. Huge hunting properties in various states.

EDIT: Give some to several of our church charities (community clinic, community center, women’s shelter, school).
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Lump sum.
Can’t stay anonymous here in my state.
I would probably lay low a bit and get everything planned out, financial advisors, lawyer, delete my social media accounts, etc before claiming the money.
I would invest the money in smart investments and live off the interest. If you end up with $400m and got 7% annual returns, that’s $28m a year, over $2m a month. No way I would spend that. I would just live life and reinvest whatever excess I have.
1. Lump Sum, about 450m
2. Anon
3. My brothers family gets 2m, my Wifes Family gets 2m. 4 of my HS buddies get 1m each. 8 other friends get 150k each. 100k to ST. Judes. 600k split between lesser freinds/family. 100k to local dog shelter. Leaves me with 440m.
4. 50m to an investor from a well know insured fortune 50 company.
5. 25m trust fund for each of my kids that is timed access 500k per year for 50 years.
6. House on Lake George NY
7. Ski house in Colorado
8. Create a movie production company. Making movies I would like, hiring only young hungry directors, writers and actors specializing in Horror and Scary movies like Jordan Peele is doing only better. I give them the ideas, they make it happen. Low budgets like paranormal Activity type stuff.