Study: Dating as "higher standards" now resulting in a lot more lonely men

it also means more lonely women, it's not like there's 10 to 1 men to women in the world.

We knew this though.

This topic has been presenting itself on the forum a lot lately. It fucks over both sexes; the men who can't get laid and wind up bitter, and the women who waste their youth thinking no guy is good enough to settle with and wind up unmarried and bitter.

No one wins.
I think the problem is that there are too many 35 men still playing videogames and acting like manchilds and a lot of women who are entitled land whales with nothing to offer to a partner.

Let's be honest... Most of the single people over 30 is fucking unmatchable.

I think the problem is that there are too many 35 men still playing videogames and acting like manchilds and a lot of women who are entitled land whales with nothing to offer to a partner.

Let's be honest... Most of the single people over 30 is fucking unmatchable.
The man childs are a product of the 20/80 rule. So that’s why you have 30 year old plus men still bitching about Vegeta not getting a W in Dragon Ball.

Nah, men are generally not picky and are willing to date down with no problem. They been doing that for centuries. They are single because women are too damn picky.
l@nd0the truf
You do know sherdogers are all bjj black belts that are at least six foot five with seven percent body fat, with Doctoral degrees and dept free while making more than 6 figures, right? What color is your Bugatti?
All these CHADS and they stay on Sherdog 18 hours a day whining and bitching about women. Must be a nice paying job xx
All these CHADS and they stay on Sherdog 18 hours a day whining and bitching about women. Must be a nice paying job xx
You get a lot of free time to post when your chauffeur drives you around everywhere.
Oh and I checked and it was written by Jezebel. a Well known man hating website.

No it was originally written by a supposedly male psychologist for psychology today.

He is writing pandering bullshit for women. Standard stuff, all your problems are caused by men, women are great, men need to "step up" and start acting like the perfect beings that are women etc *barf*

Of course this was picked up by a bunch of women's sites which of course, feeds into their personal biases and then it blew up and was commented on by mainstream.

I think the problem is that there are too many 35 men still playing videogames and acting like manchilds and a lot of women who are entitled land whales with nothing to offer to a partner.

Let's be honest... Most of the single people over 30 is fucking unmatchable.

I agree but let's be serious. Marry a land whale or village bicycle plus get divorce and child support (statistically) or buy the next cod?

For better or worse, lot of guys are buying the next cod.
I agree but let's be serious. Marry a land whale or village bicycle plus get divorce and child support (statistically) or buy the next cod?

For better or worse, lot of guys are buying the next cod.
The fuck is a cod?

The man childs are a product of the 20/80 rule. So that’s why you have 30 year old plus men still bitching about Vegeta not getting a W in Dragon Ball.

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Guess this is ironic

Many cute women who never settled down too, sometimes they're just batshit crazy.
Also this. I have a few of this at work. Drama queens.. I avoid that kind of people like the plague.
No it was originally written by a supposedly male psychologist for psychology today.

He is writing pandering bullshit for women. Standard stuff, all your problems are caused by men, women are great, men need to "step up" and start acting like the perfect beings that are women etc *barf*

Of course this was picked up by a bunch of women's sites which of course, feeds into their personal biases and then it blew up and was commented on by mainstream.

Derrick Jackson the YouTube guy. Lol

The saddest part is the naivety and people eat up the pandering. The outcomes are going to be horrible.

In all honesty, YouTube is full of con men talking all kinds of nonsense. A lot of absolute ridiculousness and theatrics.

At the end of the day, when you lie, women buy. single women buy more than married women. follow the trail of money.

Before the world went nuts a few years ago, I never believed there was an endless amount of NPCs. Sheeple.
IDK the videogames names.. I think the last one I have played was Age of Mythology during strict quarantine and before that Starcraft when I was a teenager.

The point was that guys are picking video games over marriage. I don't think it's smart but when you see a father, brother or friend getting destroyed in a divorce, it's not surprising. I remember Diablo as a kid ha!
This is just a return to normality, after a few hundred years of experimenting with monogamy.

Genetic studies have proven that VERY few men in history procreated, it's the natural state of things. Why in the hell wouldn't we want the top 1% of men making all the babies, that's what nature intends.
What is "top 1% of men"? Is that looks, physical strength, intelligence, money?

That isn't desirable because we live in a connected, civilized society and having kids costs money, and the results of the existing deadbeat dads who have tons of kids and abandon them are not exactly encouraging.
No it was originally written by a supposedly male psychologist for psychology today.

He is writing pandering bullshit for women. Standard stuff, all your problems are caused by men, women are great, men need to "step up" and start acting like the perfect beings that are women etc *barf*

Of course this was picked up by a bunch of women's sites which of course, feeds into their personal biases and then it blew up and was commented on by mainstream.

I assumed Conor got his insult because of this website. Like Jezebel represents an evil woman with no redeemable quality. This publication reflects the whole ` I am special and I can do no wrong`

Sad thing is, at the end of the day, they are only hurting themselves. Men have experience with getting their asses kicked. We tend to be better in handling loneliness. In the traditional household structure. Men worked, women took care of the house but they were also responsible with making sure their families socialized with other families.

Meanwhile men would work all day, crash on the couch and just watch TV. This is pretty much the adult life. Meanwhile for an adult aged woman, they live for extroverted life. Their attempt at demonizing others and not self reflecting is a form of self induced torture.

The men who meet their standard do exist. But those men want a hot young woman. So they end up losing because of not being chosen. Sucks for them and us, we have to focus on making money, another recession is coming and better be on the side of rich than poor. No time to get all flaky and sappy.
What is "top 1% of men"? Is that looks, physical strength, intelligence, money?


This is just a return to normality, after a few hundred years of experimenting with monogamy.

Genetic studies have proven that VERY few men in history procreated, it's the natural state of things. Why in the hell wouldn't we want the top 1% of men making all the babies, that's what nature intends.

The point was that guys are picking video games over marriage. I don't think it's smart but when you see a father, brother or friend getting destroyed in a divorce, it's not surprising. I remember Diablo as a kid ha!
Well.. I'm not a big fan of marriage either.