Great vegan fighters


Purple Belt
Apr 4, 2013
Reaction score
Obviously you have the Diaz brothers, Shields put together some solid wins, O'Malley plus that guy from TUF who made the documentary (even Rogan agreed with him). It would probably be beneficial in the post COVID-19 era for health reasons. Might lose some power but would definitely gain longevity and cardio.
Jon Fitch went vegan, and was flatlined by a steak eating Big Rigg




O'Malley is very vegan when Yan is done with him
The Diaz bros. are/were pescatarians I believe. They may have toyed with a pure vegan diet very briefly, but ended up eating eggs and/or fish most of the time. Here's non-vegan Shields' diet:
Vegetarian StarJakes Shields Diet–The Breakfast, Lunch And Dinner Of A Vegetarian Champion

Eggs, yogurt and cottage cheese! That may be considered vegetarian, but relies heavily on animal protein and isn't vegan at all. Fitch tried a very plant-based approach and quickly dropped it after it hurt his performance.

So let's just stop with all this vegan propaganda already.
Mac Danzig.

Like all vegans, it was all he talked about.

How do you know if someone is Vegan?

Don’t worry, they’ll tell you within the first 2 minutes of meeting them.

The same joke also works for CrossFit people

Went vegan, can confirm this to be true. I couldn't stfu about it, but in my defence I had a ton of injuries/illnesses that disappeared when I stopped eating meat product, so.

Personally I think the philosophy in totality is astoundingly stupid, nothing morally wrong with eating meat etc, but it's a pretty good thing to be able to do. As an unrepentant drug addict I can also confirm meat is in fact a drug & coming off it ain't easy.

Muuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuch worse than meat is sugar. I also have a sweet tooth & a rum fixation, so

How do you know if someone is Vegan?

Don’t worry, they’ll tell you within the first 2 minutes of meeting them.

The same joke also works for CrossFit people
Its funny because its true.

Crazy how chicks are around crossfit dudes - they move in like flies to shit because they're always hench, but when these bros start talking you watch the chicks expression change like

Went vegan, can confirm this to be true. I couldn't stfu about it, but in my defence I had a ton of injuries/illnesses that disappeared when I stopped eating meat product, so.

Personally I think the philosophy in totality is astoundingly stupid, nothing morally wrong with eating meat etc, but it's a pretty good thing to be able to do. As an unrepentant drug addict I can also confirm meat is in fact a drug & coming off it ain't easy.

Muuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuch worse than meat is sugar. I also have a sweet tooth & a rum fixation, so

To be fair, I know people who've gone pure carnivore who have seen all kinds of problems disappear: inflammation, sleep apnea, skin problems, auto-immune disorders, etc. It may have more to do with ditching all processed foods than anything else.
Diaz, Shields and O’Malley aren’t vegan though.

I honestly don’t know a top fighter who is one
Obviously you have the Diaz brothers, Shields put together some solid wins, O'Malley plus that guy from TUF who made the documentary (even Rogan agreed with him). It would probably be beneficial in the post COVID-19 era for health reasons. Might lose some power but would definitely gain longevity and cardio.
Great woman fighters? There are so many! Basically anyone who says they're a great woman fighter.

Oh, wait...... oh, ok., fine. Anyone who says they're a great VEGAN fighter I mean....
Did well in the UFC and even PRIDE.
He went 5-8 in UFC, which is perfectly respectable, even if he didnt get it at the time.

Pride less so... He got KTFO in his only fight there, which is why he went on TUF, not straight to UFC...


No disrespect to the guy though, he put in a good shift.

Even if all the vegan talk was unbearable at times.
He went 5-8 in UFC, which is perfectly respectable, even if he didnt get it at the time.

Pride less so... He got KTFO in his only fight there, which is why he went on TUF, not straight to UFC...


No disrespect to the guy though, he put in a good shift.

Even if all the vegan talk was unbearable at times.

Well, maybe I'm wrong if he got KOed by a random JMMA guy, but he did beat Joe Stephenson right, who challenged for the belt against BJ.