Soccer is the best and most diverse sport

That's kinda weak argument if you consider fight sports impose that variety with weight classes, Mighty Mouse never had to compete with Ngannou but with people close to his own size

Nobody in soccer could do what Ronda just did at War Games. Judo Hip Throw off the Top of the Cage on to the concrete. Ain’t no one in soccer doing anything close to that.

WTF is War Games? lol
Soccer is one of the best sports that's for sure. There is a reason why they have billions of people watching this World Cup.

I don't really get into Soccer normally, until it gets to the World Cup. But there some epic about it, that's unexplainable at times. Watching countries like Saudi Arabia or Iran with upset wins adds to the epicness. I was watching the game between Argentina and Saudi Arabia. Wow what a rush and feeling watching that game. It was so intense and tense to see Saudi Arabia can pull it off and they did.

Very rarely I get those feelings of sheer excitement and the ominous possibility of Saudi Arabia losing. it was a extreme amount of emotions flowing. There is something about the World Cup soccer that you rarely feel for any other sport. The scale, the epicness.

You need to get a hold of yourself.

Also, I assume this is why you got dubs:
It was so intense and tense to see
“It’s so boring”
-A bunch a single white dudes with dad bods, who have the same boring taste in music, marvel movies and sports as their boring friends.

They should just make every goal count as 6 points so your little heads don’t spin.
And that's considered freak shows

Does'nt help much Hong Man Choi is 2-3 in MMA, with one of the 2 wins being against past-prime baseball player Jose Canseco at his first and only MMA match

Not that would have helped much, but you could have picked better example lol
Would have picked stuff like Manhoef vs Hunt, or Maia vs Gonzaga in BJJ, or Nokweed not getting finished by Le Banner

But still reality of fight sports is, at true highest levels weight classes exist for a reason

It has the highest level of competition due to the sheer number of participants due to the worldwide popularity. To be part of any major league soccer team is a huge accomplishment. The barrier to entry is even greater than the other popular ball sports.
Yes, that's what i'm saying

Good friend of mine is one of best players (even getting articles about him) in a very good team in a lesser league, at same time he represent an extremely tiny % of soccer players in Italy (as vast majority of people play at lower levels than him) and yet by his own admission the gap next to a Serie A team is immense
Soccer is great and is really damaged by the vaginal expression of many who over emote and look for rewards for their disgraceful, shameless and embarrassing culture of acting...
I think futsal is much more entertaining. The field/court is way smaller with less players and there is also much more action and skill displayed on the court. Usually you see twice as many goals compared to soccer, however you get to see a much higher amount of shots taken which makes it more entertaining.
I just can't ever get into the world cup/Soccer. Every time it comes around I always forget to actually sit down and watch it.
Diverse? Every soccer player is built almost exactly the same and has nearly exactly the same skill set as each other.
I've always found football to be rather boring, personally. I used to like playing it as a kid, when it was a ritual at break, but I could never get into watching it.

Then again, I find watching sport in general to be quite boring. I only watch OneFC on YouTube...
Watching it sucks. Boring. I think baseball is snoozefest but soccer makes baseball look entertaining.

Playing it however is probably better for you physically than just about any team sport. All endurance. Those players are extremely well conditioned and have stamina for days.
Definitely most popular. But if soccer is at it's peak, boxing, MMA, basketball at it's peak... then soccer wins... it achieves the highest level of epicness, grandiose and most spectacular.
so true ts. jose altuve is nothing without his massive size that gives him a great advantage
Baseball is the most boring sport of all. And that’s a fact!!!!!
Well baseball is like wrestling if you wrestled that is exciting to watch. Baseball is the same those of us that grew up playing the sport recognize the nuances, the skill involved and enjoy watching the best players in the world do amazing things.
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Let's not pretend that NBA players aren't doing the same shit.



It looks even more ridiculous considering it's some 6'6 oaf flopping around like a fish.
It’s muuuuuch more rare in the NBA and you know it.
Of course it is. It has the highest level of competition and it is the most popular sport on the planet. An elite soccer player is going to be a far more exceptional talent than in other sport.
How talented are soccer players gonna be with their hands/arms?
So yeah…. I got freestyle wrestlers as more talented in my book.