Social Meme Thread v.90: George Soros DA Edition

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No, nothing that bad. It was about the pages of bickering. Something I can actually agree with, this place is supposed to be a fun little escape. I'd just rather not see reports showing up if it can be avoided.
Well don't take days off then.


I guess its a good thing she's not a SC justice.


If you're going into classic comics, I would recommend The Greatest Batman Stories Ever Told, which is affordable and features a great overview of excellent Batman stories down through the decades, including Detective 500, which is seen by many--including myself--as the single greatest Batman comic ever published, not the least because its lead story, "To Kill a Legend," is arguably the single best Batman tale of all-time. Another recommendation is Len Wein's legendary series Batman: The Untold Legend where he basically pieces together Batman's history from all the decades of his existence up until the time of writing into a single coherent narrative. Batman: Tales of the Demon introduces arguably Batman's greatest enemy and his greatest love interest in a single, sweeping storyline that takes Batman out of Gotham City and almost puts him in the shoes of an Indiana Jones-type. Really good stuff and the characters introduced have significant roles in the Batman mythos to this very day, including in the movies and cartoons. If your kids like Green Lantern at all, Tales of the Green Lantern Corps is another one that you can't go wrong with; it is an epic story and a great introduction to the characters.

Actually, Darkseid might just be the OG of cosmic dictator villains; there's a chance that Darth Vader was inspired by him.

The Fourth World series has a ton of striking parallels with Star Wars; Orion is Darkseid's exhiled son, who doesn't know his parentage initially and is forced to struggle with the implications of his parentage and his own "dark side." The Source and The Force are very similar: two mysterious, mystical sources of power, High Father resembles Kenobi and Yoda in many ways and Apokolips and the Death Star also look pretty similar.

BTW--Batman the Animated Series is as good as it gets in my book. One of the best incarnations of Batman there's ever been.

Hard to recommend comics for someone that young. All the best DC comics - The Dark Knight Returns, Batman: Year One, Long Halloween, Dark Victory etc - are aimed at more mature readers.

Well, I at least solved the issue of my own brushing up. It's instant digital access to over 32,000 books and graphic novels dating back to the 1930s, lol. Some of this stuff is actually dope.


Well, I at least solved the issue of my own brushing up. It's instant digital access to over 32,000 books and graphic novels dating back to the 1930s, lol. Some of this stuff is actually dope.

Its funny to watch them squeal about Thomas. If the roles were reversed they would call us Nazis for not liking him.

Anyways, I'm not a big comic reader anymore, but I found this one to be pretty entertaining from the DC universe.
Its funny to watch them squeal about Thomas. If the roles were reversed they would call us Nazis for not liking him.

Anyways, I'm not a big comic reader anymore, but I found this one to be pretty entertaining from the DC universe.

I was never into them even as a kid, almost all of my interests were either physically active or outdoors related. But my own children are growing up in a completely different environment a long way from the farm and I love spending time with them. I just want to give him an awesome childhood, and it's more fun for them when I engage on their own natural interests beyond the stuff I'm into, i.e. bushcraft, guns, norse paganism, sprint cars. <45>
Most everything in that meme is awesome stuff.
Family, firearms, BBQ, and Labrador Retreivers.

But that Dad is a fuckwit who sucks at running shit. The fuckin dog needs a whack on the nose for having his paws up near their food,( one paw on a mf pistol ?!?) there’s live ammo immediately approximate to the fire pit, while both Dad and brother have a finger on their trigger while sister is downrange. Cunts. And WTF are they all posted up like that for? Dad alone should have his in a belly band holster just in case the Amish show up to rob and rape.. actually no, that Dad needs a caning and his guns taken away. :D

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Most everything in that meme is awesome stuff.
Family, firearms, BBQ, and Labrador Retreivers.

But that Dad is a fuckwit who sucks at running shit. The fuckin dog needs a whack on the nose for having his paws up near their food,( one paw on a mf pistol ?!?) while both Dad and brother have a finger on their trigger while sister is downrange. Cunts. And WTF are they posted up like that for? Dad should have his in a belly band holster just in case the Amish show up to rob and rape.. actually no, that Dad needs a caning and his guns taken away. :D
@irish_thug please ban this man for fact checking memes
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