Media Chris Curtis Claims UFC Fanbase is a Sausage Fest

Zebra Cheeks

Cheeky Bastard
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Senior Moderator
Jun 13, 2009
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always kind of wondered about this lol. I know of some prolifically famous athletes who have women throwing themselves all over them, but I guess the getting isn’t very good for your average ufc fighter. They should’ve known better and just become sherdoggers.

always kind of wondered about this lol. I know of some prolifically famous athletes who have women throwing themselves all over them, but I guess the getting isn’t very good for your average ufc fighter. They should’ve known better and just become sherdoggers.

If Sherdog forum is representative of the MMA fan base, then there's like 0.3% women and 3% of dudes pretending to be women
This is who I picture liking my posts


Who is actually liking my posts

Curtis is a normal looking guy who is a MMA fighter, if he was a normal looking guy who sings his ass off he would drown in pussy.
If you are something that usually not that interesting to girls (fighting) then you need to look the part, otherwise the only girls are probably fighting nerds themselves or girls that just want a tough BF (daddy issues or whatever the reason).
The fighters who pull like crazy would probably pull even without being famous and being famous and good looking is just easy mode if your intention is hooking up.

Isn't this a meme already for bodybuilding, people expect girls to fawn over muscles when in reality its Sherbros obsessing over their calves. Fighting isn't for pussy its for fighting, if you want pussy go sing.

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I guarantee this aspect of fame is vastly overrated. Famous or not, you probably still gotta ‘pay’ for promiscuous type engagements - especially today. The average, normal person/woman isn’t actively seeking it with an apparent stranger.
MMA is a niche sport which will never have the broad fanbase of other major league sports. The UFC has become like pro-wrestling where most stars have to come up with cringy gimmicks.

The funny thing is that so many dudes still think that women get wet just because you can beat up other dudes or something

“So after a night of celebrating at the clubs, I brought some company back up to my room. A lot of company.

“I can’t remember how many women, but I know it was more than two. I had promised Dana the trunks and gloves for the fight, and he had forgotten to get them in the celebration after.

“He came by the room in the morning, knocked on the door, and someone let him in. He saw two girls asleep in the living room, two more girls in the bathroom, and a girl in bed with me. None of us had any clothes on.

“And Dana remembers seeing condoms hanging from the lamps, on the floor, pretty much everywhere.




Also GSP back in the day.
