Old, single, ain't lookin' to mingle


Friends with Bigfoot
May 13, 2008
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Well, the machinery for divorce number 2 is beginning to churn. Relationships have not been kind to your old buddy Muscles. All due to my terrible selection process.

I can tell you this, if you think it's time to get out, get out. Nobody changes that much and your prolonging the inevitable. Hanging around, you might be robbing yourself of meeting the right person.

I would add, don't rescue the princess. She doesn't want rescuing and is happy to drown you with her.

So here I go. Embarking on a new journey. A path of solitary life. It feels okay.
You will always have Bigfoot.
Ah no revenge is needed. I don't wish her ill. She didn't do me wrong in the classic things that destroy a marriage.
Our personalities couldn't match.
Fair enough dude. People grow apart, happened to me too.