Few girls are entertaining - Sean O'Malley proposes a separate league for female UFC fighters (WUFC)

They cannot be split up unless amount of women fighters balloons up. They stopped spending money on 135 and 145. Those divisions are dead.
There are quite a few low level mens matches, and really obese, low skill HW matches.
If the rate of abysmal mens matches were anywhere near the rate of abysmal women’s matches the UFC wouldn’t be a functioning business. Women’s divisions don’t even have the depth to sustain divisions let alone put on exciting matchups. Women’s MMA is private market version of title 9.
Most mens fights are awful too if we're going to be honest. Every card has 5 fights with unranked guys you've never heard of fighting to a decision with boring unremarkable styles and by monday you couldn't recall their names if your life depended on it.

But we do get like a card a week now, so there's that.
I have a proposal for him... Pick a color with the hair... He looks like a fruit loop with a tooth pick stuck in it
No, he's saying if you split the UFC into separate events & broadcasts Men's UFC & Women's UFC how successful would the WUFC be? Not very from a $$$ perspective.
I see :)
I like Dana but bringing WMMA to the UFC was a catastrophic mistake outside of Ronda. She retired like 7 years ago and there hasn't been anyone even remotely close to her. It's time to let it go.
the fact that the UFC is closing women's Featherweight likely means they wanna streamline the product. im down for keeping the majority of WMMA fights on the prelims cause most ladies arent as entertaining as Amanda, Val, Rose (when she's on), Weili, Andrade, etc.
@Clementine beat me to it, first thing i thought of when i saw the first post was "....Invicta?"
WUFC sounds so sexiest.

Call it “The Sandwich Makers League.”

That’ll please the little ladies. By “Little Ladies “ I mean the girl midgets who will be allowed to fight in the SML.
Sean O'Malley with an interesting proposition. 'Sugar' very diplomatically suggests creating a separate league for WMMA fighters.

“What if there was a ‘WUFC’?” Sean O’Malley said. “What if they had their own program? Would it last? Would they be able to sell pay-per-views, would they be able to sell out arenas? I’m just asking. What if it was the ‘WUFC’? It’s still the UFC, it’s still Dana, it’s still the UFC pushing these fights and promoting them – would it last?”

“We’re not saying they’re bad,” Sean O’Malley explained. “We’re talking from a pure entertainment point of view. Look at the WNBA, look at the NBA. There is a few girls fights that are very entertaining. There is a few…”

“WNBA – WUFC, I’d like it. I think it’d be interesting… We’re not talking skill, they’re very, very skilled. I’m talking from a pure entertainment perspective. Like, ‘I can’t f****** wait for this fight.’”


Is it finally time to 'trim the fat' and remove WMMA from the UFC?
Sounds like a great business decision and profit opportunity. I'm sure Dana and the execs are eating up every word. Maybe they'll put Suga on the board of directors!
Comparing WMMA to the WNBA doesn't really jive with me. Combat sports are a better representation and women competing on them is not unusual (Idk if I would say it would be typical either, the UFC promotes more women than other combat orgs). The WNBA is not a successful endeavor (which was part of his point) but I think WMMA within the UFC on mixed cards has been successful, even by just bringing new eyes to the sport. It has allowed the UFC to make more money by putting on more events and attracting more sponsors, contracts, etc. From a purely business aspect, it would be stupid to give it up. From a fan aspect, it is more of a mixed bag.

I think WMMA in the UFC might be better if they followed the UFC fight model circa 1999-2004, when only a handful of men were signed full time and others were brought in for the occasional fight but were also free to fight in some of the more minor orgs. Sadly, I do not think they would ever do that again. Heaven forgive a fighter using the UFC for cred when they are young and then sign for big money somewhere else.
High end wmma fights are fine, the problem is there aren’t many high end fighters. They don’t need to do away with it but maybe put more of the fights on the undercard/fight nights and don’t have them headline ppvs.
No woman fight outside of top 10 deserves main card. Easy fix
This isn’t a new take and is what almost everyone who doesn’t want women in the UFC says. We don’t to ban women from fighting but they have no business in the UFC.
The WNBA is almost wholly subsidized by the NBA.
"Almost" ? Do the sponsors make up the rest? It is amazing when they occasionally zoom out and you see no one in the stands. I actually really like women's sports, when they are competitive and not watered down.