PBP TUF 31 Team Chandler vs. Team McGregor Watch Party PbP and full season discussion: Tuesdays 10 ET

Which team will win?

  • Team Chandler

  • Team McGregor

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Wish they wouldn't put so much pressure to have these guys train & fight through more serious injuries. They should just give them the chance to appear on DWCS or a future TUF season depending on the severity of the injury.
This Landon guy was the one talking shit in kitchen to the rest of the fighters during the first episode. We're going to see if he's about it.
"Finesse him, frustrate him, and finish him."
Excuse me? {<diva} Beat you raw the last 3 weekends + @TempleoftheDog [<diva4}


Let’s see now.. Who did Kate pick between Amanda, and Irene? I’m pretty sure @Sixstring , and myself both spanked you when you chose poorly.

I was feeling like a bit of a shit heel by picking EVERY fight that you and Sixstring wagered on correctly leading up to 289. Like 8 in a row or some shit.

So like I used to do with my kids. I’d let them “beat” me at board games, or video games sometimes. I didn’t want to break their spirit. So I’d let them believe that they actually “won” sometimes.

I was the Father of the Year.

But if they got cocky. I’d smoke them. A little reminder is necessary sometimes.

I feel a smoking coming on. A prolonged one in fact.
Definitely feels like Knight is getting finished in the first round considering how little time is left in the episode imo.
"Put that leather on em!"

- Conor McGregor 50 times this season