Good Dog UFC 290 Edition

Yair Rodriguez 350
Alexandre Pantoja 170
Dan Hooker 200
Robbie Lawler 225
Shannon Ross 180
Denise Gomes 350
Jimmy Crute 100

Thats the one and only Gary Floyd on vocals. Used to sing for the Texas HC band the Dicks. Butthole Surfers wrote a song about him. Moved to San Francisco and started this band. I saw them open for Soundgarden in St. Louis way back when. Guys got some pipes.

Yair Rodriguez 350
Alexandre Pantoja 170
Dan Hooker 200
Robbie Lawler 225
Shannon Ross 180
Denise Gomes 350
Jimmy Crute 100

Thats the one and only Gary Floyd on vocals. Used to sing for the Texas HC band the Dicks. Butthole Surfers wrote a song about him. Moved to San Francisco and started this band. I saw them open for Soundgarden in St. Louis way back when. Guys got some pipes.

Yair Rodriguez 350
Alexandre Pantoja 170
Dan Hooker 200
Robbie Lawler 225
Shannon Ross 180
Kamuela Kirk 170
Jimmy Crute 100

Alexandre Pantoja 170
Driscus Du Plessis 300
Dan Hooker 200
Robbie Lawler 225
Shannon Ross 180
Kamuela Kirk 170
Jimmy Crute 100
Alexandre Pantoja 170
Driscus Du Plessis 300
Robbie Lawler 225
Shannon Ross 180
Kamuela Kirk 170
Marcin Prachnio 230
Jimmy Crute 100
aaaaaaand I totally forgot to come back and post a list


Robbie Lawler 225
Denise Gomes 350

Yair Rodriguez 350
Alexandre Pantoja 170
Driscus Du Plessis 300
Dan Hooker 200
I got 4. Anyone get 5?
I thought I saw a breakdown of 290 that said there were 6 winning dogs but, IDK.
Dog that won
Alexandre Pantoja 170
Driscus Du Plessis 300
Dan Hooker 200
Robbie Lawler 225
Denise Gomes 350

Hotora86 -3
Mikeydontgiva -4
Doughie99 -3
Jonathan Utah -2
DrTrouble -3
Rhood -3
subtlySteve -3
KDR by RNC -4
BoomBoxVader06 -4
AppliedScience -3
Woliwo -2
Dillydilly -3
BFoe -3
Myrddin Wild -4
kimocomplex -3
emog2 -4
Kumason -3
Jackonfire -4
Jyodog -4
helax -3
v.kevin -4
Krixes -3
Dude Incredible -3

1st place v.kevin Jyodog Jackonfire emog2 Myrddin Wild KDR by RNC BoomBoxVader06 Mikeydontgiva

2nd place Hotora86 Doughie99 DrTrouble Rhood subtlySteve AppliedScience Dillydilly BFoe kimocomplex Kumason helax Krixes Dude Incredible

3rd place SKYNET Woliwo Jonathan Utah

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