Social Very Old Accounts - Are any of the ancients still around?

crazy how so many get banned, even a thread being dredged up from a couple years ago, 90 percent of the posters have been banned. Our best boxing posters over the years were banned and never came back.
Positive Balance was banned for banning people. Crazy how that works...
Yeah I think at times some of the mods have been a bit too ban happy over the years.
well, i've been banned on my old prince site several times, not that I cared, the place pissed me off but I wasn't really saying anything that out of line. Probably said a lot more here and only been carded once in 20 years.
2000 or 2001 for my past lives. Lurked for a while.
Think I joined during the Benny Blanco thread
remember when we didn't even have a UFC section yet?
but we had a rickson gracie section
Oh man the old S&P before it became S&C! Blast from the past.
Had an account from 2003, asked the mods to delete it at around 2015 because I'd want to get away from MMA a bit.
Back then there was a Canadian couple, whose wife would send pics of her cherries on inbox.
Where's that guy with like a Dec 22, 2001 join date who's avatar reminds me of airbrushed Mexican lowrider shirts? Anybody know who I'm talking about?
I mean guys with a 2001 account date. it's very rare that i see one around. seen some 2002s and 2003s, but 2001s....outside of @Drunken Meat Fist i don't see that many.

make yourselves known, ancient brothers.


My original account was from 2004 but I got banned after a drunken rant on here, lol.

I have been sober for 19 months. Haha
Part of the problem with Sherdog is that most people are gone after about 6 years.

I've lost interest in the heavies, and Mayberry is the only forum that keeps me coming back. Personally I find discussing mma as a snooze fest. I do have a ufc fight pass account, but my opinion on mma is all that matters.
I think the problem is we can no longer have a serious discussion about mma,boxing or the NFL without the same biased toxic trolls. You can't have civil discussion. the football(hand egg) sub forum is probably the worst for this even the mods there seem to be dicks to the people posting.

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