Crime Gay man killed by muslim mob in NYC

The 17-year-old suspected of fatally stabbing O’Shae Sibley has been charged with murder as a hate crime and criminal possession of a weapon, New York officials said Saturday.

Sibley, a 28-year-old professional dancer, was stabbed to death at a Brooklyn gas station after dancing to a Beyoncé song last weekend.

A friend of Sibley’s said the dancer was performing a style of dance called vogueing on July 29 when a group of men shouting anti-gay slurs approached Sibley and his friends, leading to a dispute, according to police.


Interestingly, the left are very quiet on this murderous hate crime. Imagine if it was a mob of white Christians in some southern state who did this. It would be THE major news story of the year, bigger than George Floyd's death.

It really captures just how dysfunctional the left's belief system is. According to their own 'oppressor/oppressed' paradigm, both muslims and LGBT are oppressed, which means neither can be criticised. But muslims are anti-LGBT in the most extreme form, as demonstrated here. So what does the left do? If they criticise muslims, they're white supremacists according to their own logic.

This is precisely why right-wingers laugh at the left for being completely deranged. Their belief system isn't sustainable and is outright self-destructive.

I read this story several days ago. The article I read said it was one Muslim guy who stated he was Muslim and did not like the gay dude dancing. The perp then killed him.

I do agree that if this was a White Christian perp it would be much more likely the mainstream media and leftwing media would publicize it.

Kinda reminds me of the case from several years ago of 2 or 5 Orthodox Jewish men (some articles say Hasidic) beating up a gay Black man , leaving him blind in one eye. The perps only got community service. I don't recal the media making it a big deal even though media coverage did help in reopening the case after the cops tried to bury the case.

The attackers were part of the Shomrim Jewish security patrol that operates in some NYC areas. The vicitim's lawyer says the orthodox community pressured witnesses to recant. There was a coverup by the police (who innitially tried to bury the case) but had to reopen it because the victim's mother protested vociferously and got some media coverage.

There are several news articles on this (Shomrim beating up a gay Black guy) crime so there was some coverage but I think we all know that coverage is not the same as the media going all in and publicising a story.
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This isn't anything like George Floyd, or Ahmaud Arbery, or any of a dozen other examples.

This seems to be a hate crime, the suspect was identified and charged appropriately and in a timely manner. He will likely either plead guilty or have a fair trial where It seems pretty likely that he'll be found guilty.

As a lefty I'm all for religious freedom, and I generally think that religious fundamentalists of any stripe are crazy and dangerous, but I don't hate anyone for their particular compexion, or faith. I think we can (and in this case have and will) judge people on their actions.

I hope that helps with understanding why people aren't freaking out as compared to when someone is murdered and the murderer is not charged, not appropriately charged.

Turns out that the "Enemy of my Enemy" isn't really your friend after all...

I answered this in the very first post of the thread. Can't you read?

Well they're gonna be left disappointed.

And your answer was bunk. I have a strong distaste for religious zealots regardless of their invisible man's name.
The 17-year-old suspected of fatally stabbing O’Shae Sibley has been charged with murder as a hate crime and criminal possession of a weapon, New York officials said Saturday.

Sibley, a 28-year-old professional dancer, was stabbed to death at a Brooklyn gas station after dancing to a Beyoncé song last weekend.

A friend of Sibley’s said the dancer was performing a style of dance called vogueing on July 29 when a group of men shouting anti-gay slurs approached Sibley and his friends, leading to a dispute, according to police.


Interestingly, the left are very quiet on this murderous hate crime. Imagine if it was a mob of white Christians in some southern state who did this. It would be THE major news story of the year, bigger than George Floyd's death.

It really captures just how dysfunctional the left's belief system is. According to their own 'oppressor/oppressed' paradigm, both muslims and LGBT are oppressed, which means neither can be criticised. But muslims are anti-LGBT in the most extreme form, as demonstrated here. So what does the left do? If they criticise muslims, they're white supremacists according to their own logic.

This is precisely why right-wingers laugh at the left for being completely deranged. Their belief system isn't sustainable and is outright self-destructive.

The silence IS deafening on the left but, thankful this has been covered by those bulwarks of right-wing journalism CNN and the NYT.
The left play a role in this murder happening. And now the left are quietly hoping the story just fades away. Why are you having a hard time understanding this? Even your own comment demonstrates this... "religious zealots"... you don't even wanna say the m-word. Hilarious.
I'm on the so called left. How did I play a part in someone being murdered by a scumbag 4,000 miles away from me?
I'm on the so called left. How did I play a part in someone being murdered by a scumbag 4,000 miles away from me?

Are Christians in America killing gays and then using 'I'm Christian' as their justification? Why not? If they did at one point, what changed?

There's your answer.

The left's kid gloves approach with muslims has led them to believe they can do this type of shit.

If this was christians the left would be united in denouncing christianity. That type of mass social pressure is exactly why christians aren't as militant in America as they used to be. Because the social cost of being a westboro baptist church asshole makes joining that group unappealing.

There is no such pressure on muslims.
Imagine if it was a mob of white Christians in some southern state who did this. It would be THE major news story of the year, bigger than George Floyd's death.

I never said it was.

You literally asked me to imagine if this scenario was a white lynch mob committing a murder as a hate crime in a southern state (Arbery is a perfect example) and you directly drew a comparison between that hypothetical and George Floyd.

I'm working off of your EXACT specifications for comparison and correlations.
No word on if the youth was a migrant or not. If so, would only further highlight the left's unsustainable beliefs
What a shit thread , someone is being divisive for the sake of being divisive , it reeks of insecurity

Charge the fucker with a hate crime and be done with it

Btw this could also be filed as another case of right wing extremism like it or not .
Extremist Muslims are conservative.. this is the right that's to blame for this, and the anti-gay rhetoric they push
if only this were true in voting......... would gladly take in the muslim brotherhood if that meant you're side was obliterated.
The story that has been front page news across the country all week, the one that trended online, the one where large vigils have been held at the scene of the crime all week, the one where Beyoncé acknowledges and held tribute to victim during a huge performance … is the one you’re claiming the are keeping quiet?

Did you eat a brain tumor for breakfast? That’s the opposite of being quiet.
This is literally the first I've heard of this story in this thread.

I just checked CNN and MSNBC and they are doing their daily Trump hysteria and sucking off Zelensky stories...
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I got curious as to what the hell vogueing was

Also. Not sure if it's a hate crime as it looks like they were the ones continuing the confrontation. ( I'm aware he's been charged with it )

But two fit men pressing a 17yesr old kid. I see a possibility of self defence as he was the one walking away. Not to mention calling it a Muslim mob is just plain silly.

What a all around a waste of someone's life.

( full video of the situation , no stabbing on this video)