Economy Gas Up 40 Cents Overnight, Now At $3.99/gallon

No but moving toward and being energy independent sure was nice.

Since you can't afford a car you don't know how nice it was paying fewer than 2.00 a gallon.

Or perhaps I'm not a broke bitch like you? Its what happens when you graduate and become a professional in your field.

Ah yes, that energy independence will last forever and ever... Earth, didnt you know, is a magical portal that infinitely produces crude oil with no catastrophic consequences that we totally aren't observing with our very eyes this second.
Or perhaps I'm not a broke bitch like you? Its what happens when you graduate and become a professional in your field.

Ah yes, that energy independence will last forever and ever... Earth, didnt you know, is a magical portal that infinitely produces crude oil with no catastrophic consequences that we totally aren't observing with our very eyes this second.
Who cares? Let the future generations handle it when it's actually an issue.
Higher gas is usually seen during peak driving months and those have essentially passed already. This is a ploy to keep greedflation going. "Welp it costs more to transport and we're putting that on the customer."
Gas here in south FL been 3.90-3.99 already last few weeks. Will see price when I go out later, to see if it shot up
Yes, pull up the average gas prices for the last 6 years

Okay that will just prove you wrong..

It hasn't gone up steadily for the past two years.

It peaked right as the pandemic ended and has steadily declined since. There's been a slight spike during the summer months, which is entirely normal, but the bpd price is still hovering around $80. I think it's $83 today.

It was only low during the end of Trump's term because consumption was way down globally during the pandemic. It was so low oil companies were paying people to take it off their hands. Not some miracle policy, but a freak event.
Instead of bitching use your money to make money. When oil stocks tanked during The House of Saud and Russia dumb price war I bought 3 oil stocks that have been serious money makers. Still have not sold because all of them pay out dividends. Record profits equal higher dividends. I just reinvest the dividend which buys me more stock and more stock equals higher dividend total . I figure I got 2 more years of this then will sell.
Point being the Elite want you bitching but it’s better to make money along with them.
Pro tip Brazilian stocks pay high dividends but have little price movement because the government gets a taste of the dividend they pay.
What the actual fuck. They haven't been this high since Obama was in office IIRC, it's almost as though the oil companies are emboldened by certain political parties.
You are about a month behind canada
Gas here in south FL been 3.90-3.99 already last few weeks. Will see price when I go out later, to see if it shot up
I pumped last night and I’m not talking about the old lady either. It’s definitely up a lot since the last time i filled (2 weeks back). 4.39->4.79. Premium is over 5 again… don’t drive a ton, so gas doesn’t affect me much but food prices are high as heck
What the actual fuck. They haven't been this high since Obama was in office IIRC, it's almost as though the oil companies are emboldened by certain political parties.
$4.07 a gallon here this morning.
Exactly 40 cents up here in the past week actually. Was 3.67 last week when I got gas. $4.07 this morning.
In another thread he said the USA...drama queening.