Social Lauren Boebert theater pocket pool and transexual discussion

"Dont you know who I am"
I just want once someone to reply "Yeah I fucking know, and thats why this isnt surprising"
I don't know what TYT is. You can see multiple news outlets that have the video of the middle finger. There was a pregnant woman right behind her. She was annoyed that Boebert was vaping and annoying her with flash photography. The blocking part comes from raising her hands and dancing. You can see those actions in the video. She got thrown out because people complained about her. Come on you really want to die on this hill about being an asshole during a show? This is complete asshole behavior.
TYT - The Young Turks
hmmmm... I must have not watched the same video that you watched but fine... I'll take your word for Lauren needs to be named and shamed for this stuff. Plus the goober she was hanging out with.
Shes a self entitled twat, and if anyone was doing those things at a theatre in front of you, you'd be pissed off too.

Stupid bitch.
TYT - The Young Turks
hmmmm... I must have not watched the same video that you watched but fine... I'll take your word for Lauren needs to be named and shamed for this stuff. Plus the goober she was hanging out with.
I don't consume news from those youtubers. You can look at several different local Denver papers for different spin on the situation. They all have footage and report of the incident. One paper interviewed the woman sitting behind her.

"The woman sitting directly behind Boebert shared her story with The Post on the condition of anonymity out of fear that there would be backlash from the congresswoman and her supporters. She provided me with the receipt for her tickets and a photo from the event that shows Boebert seated in front of her.

The woman described the evening as surreal. She didn’t even recognize Boebert as Colorado’s congresswoman who represents the Western Slope and southern Colorado.

“These people in front of us were outrageous. I’ve never seen anyone act like that before,” the woman, who lives in Denver and is in her 30s, said. It wasn’t until later during the play that someone informed her that the misbehaving theatergoer was, in fact, Boebert, a member of Congress.

The woman says Boebert took multiple long videos during the first half of the performance. When she asked Boebert to stop vaping, the congresswoman simply said “no,” the woman said. Boebert was also kissing the man she was with, and singing along loudly with her hands in the air, the woman said.

“At intermission, I asked, ‘Are there any other seats available? Can we sit somewhere else?’” the woman said. “The usher said, ‘You’re not the first complaint we had.’ ”

When the woman returned with her husband to their seats, she said Boebert called her a “sad and miserable person.”

“The guy she was with offered to buy me and my husband cocktails. I’m pregnant!” she said.

But the behavior continued, with Boebert using her phone to record several segments of the second half of the show.

The rest of the story is captured on surveillance video showing Boebert and an unidentified man getting ushered out of the Buell as the performance is going on.'
Shes a self entitled twat, and if anyone was doing those things at a theatre in front of you, you'd be pissed off too.

Stupid bitch.
i agree with this. whether it was filmed and released illicitly is one thing. but bro, you're an elected official, getting your tits fondled in a public place. have some respect for yourself and save it for when you get home, no matter how horny you are.
IDGAF if those two hornballs were groping each other during the show. If it were a show worth paying attention to, I’d never have even noticed or given them any concern.

However that phone recording in a theater shit… that’s in my line of sight and they’re getting one, maybe two warnings before I’m bouncing M+Ms or some popcorn off the back of their heads.
Come at me bitch, I wont tolerate that trash.
I feel kinda the same about her as the dem running for whatever who had a chaturbate or something. Yeah it can bite you in the ass but not particularly bad. Just doesn't reflect well n your decision making which is what you get voted in for.

Please tell me the craziest thing AOC has done in her private life before being elected or as a member of congress that compares to the list of things Boebert has done. They are not the same.

she's not going to read this and how you her hooters dude chill.
No you cant

who's dick is she going to be stroking in public around children this time?

and is jayson boebert going to be making a surprise appearance for this one in his full glory, or does the new boytoy from the gay bar already have it covered?

this one clearly does not practice what she preaches.
Shes a self entitled twat, and if anyone was doing those things at a theatre in front of you, you'd be pissed off too.

Stupid bitch.

I'd just stare at them all pervy like. Make it awkward for them. They'll stop.
I don't consume news from those youtubers. You can look at several different local Denver papers for different spin on the situation. They all have footage and report of the incident. One paper interviewed the woman sitting behind her.

"The woman sitting directly behind Boebert shared her story with The Post on the condition of anonymity out of fear that there would be backlash from the congresswoman and her supporters. She provided me with the receipt for her tickets and a photo from the event that shows Boebert seated in front of her.

The woman described the evening as surreal. She didn’t even recognize Boebert as Colorado’s congresswoman who represents the Western Slope and southern Colorado.

“These people in front of us were outrageous. I’ve never seen anyone act like that before,” the woman, who lives in Denver and is in her 30s, said. It wasn’t until later during the play that someone informed her that the misbehaving theatergoer was, in fact, Boebert, a member of Congress.

The woman says Boebert took multiple long videos during the first half of the performance. When she asked Boebert to stop vaping, the congresswoman simply said “no,” the woman said. Boebert was also kissing the man she was with, and singing along loudly with her hands in the air, the woman said.

“At intermission, I asked, ‘Are there any other seats available? Can we sit somewhere else?’” the woman said. “The usher said, ‘You’re not the first complaint we had.’ ”

When the woman returned with her husband to their seats, she said Boebert called her a “sad and miserable person.”

“The guy she was with offered to buy me and my husband cocktails. I’m pregnant!” she said.

But the behavior continued, with Boebert using her phone to record several segments of the second half of the show.

The rest of the story is captured on surveillance video showing Boebert and an unidentified man getting ushered out of the Buell as the performance is going on.'

While them groping each is minor and embarrassing… being obnoxious and ruining the show for everyone is fucking awful.

She needs to publically apologize and offer refunds to the people affected in the show.

The phone recording is a huge pet peeve of mine. Having a phone on in a dark theater is obnoxious and so distracting. It’s rage inducing…

She can fuck right off.
IDGAF if those two hornballs were groping each other during the show. If it were a show worth paying attention to, I’d never have even noticed or given them any concern.

However that phone recording in a theater shit… that’s in my line of sight and they’re getting one, maybe two warnings before I’m bouncing M+Ms or some popcorn off the back of their heads.
Come at me bitch, I wont tolerate that trash.
The vaping is low class as well. Apparently the pregnant woman behind her asked her to stop twice.
If that was my pregnant wife I would have filled Boebert's drag show hosting boyfriend's seat full of upper cuts. Would not be the first nor the last time a dude caught a beating for his chick acting like an ass.
I don't consume news from those youtubers. You can look at several different local Denver papers for different spin on the situation. They all have footage and report of the incident. One paper interviewed the woman sitting behind her.

"The woman sitting directly behind Boebert shared her story with The Post on the condition of anonymity out of fear that there would be backlash from the congresswoman and her supporters. She provided me with the receipt for her tickets and a photo from the event that shows Boebert seated in front of her.

The woman described the evening as surreal. She didn’t even recognize Boebert as Colorado’s congresswoman who represents the Western Slope and southern Colorado.

“These people in front of us were outrageous. I’ve never seen anyone act like that before,” the woman, who lives in Denver and is in her 30s, said. It wasn’t until later during the play that someone informed her that the misbehaving theatergoer was, in fact, Boebert, a member of Congress.

The woman says Boebert took multiple long videos during the first half of the performance. When she asked Boebert to stop vaping, the congresswoman simply said “no,” the woman said. Boebert was also kissing the man she was with, and singing along loudly with her hands in the air, the woman said.

“At intermission, I asked, ‘Are there any other seats available? Can we sit somewhere else?’” the woman said. “The usher said, ‘You’re not the first complaint we had.’ ”

When the woman returned with her husband to their seats, she said Boebert called her a “sad and miserable person.”

“The guy she was with offered to buy me and my husband cocktails. I’m pregnant!” she said.

But the behavior continued, with Boebert using her phone to record several segments of the second half of the show.

The rest of the story is captured on surveillance video showing Boebert and an unidentified man getting ushered out of the Buell as the performance is going on.'

Definitely cannabis in that vape.