Social Lauren Boebert theater pocket pool and transexual discussion

Ok... keep justifying men dressed like women putting their junk in kid's faces because Boebert is a hypocrite...

Or justify Lauren Boebert harming an unborn child because somewhere else in the world there are drag shows? That's your stance? That you dislike drag shows so much that you accept an individual smoking in front of a pregnant woman despite being asked not to and then lying about it? Essentially that so long as drag shows exist and kids attend them, all other behavior is excused?

I doubt that's what you really think so let's stop the internet fake positions because if it was your pregnant wife, you wouldn't excuse it so you shouldn't excuse it when it's someone else's pregnant wife.
One of them is in congress doing something that is actually illegal

Ah so as long as you're doing legal inappropriate actions in front of children, then it's okay.

Twerk on drag queens. Joe approves.
Or justify Lauren Boebert harming an unborn child because somewhere else in the world there are drag shows? That's your stance? That you dislike drag shows so much that you accept an individual smoking in front of a pregnant woman despite being asked not to and then lying about? Essentially that so long as drag shows exist and kids attend them, all other behavior is excused?

I doubt that's what you really think so let's stop the internet fake positions because if it was your pregnant wife, you wouldn't excuse it so shouldn't excuse it when it's someone else's pregnant wife.

Anything is acceptable if it can be perceived to own the libs.
Or justify Lauren Boebert harming an unborn child because somewhere else in the world there are drag shows? That's your stance? That you dislike drag shows so much that you accept an individual smoking in front of a pregnant woman despite being asked not to and then lying about? Essentially that so long as drag shows exist and kids attend them, all other behavior is excused?

I doubt that's what you really think so let's stop the internet fake positions because if it was your pregnant wife, you wouldn't excuse it so shouldn't excuse it when it's someone else's pregnant wife.

They don't actually care about kids. They take their cues from the Republican strategists who find some random issue to rile the wingnuts up about each election cycle. This year it's drag shows. It will be something else in 2 years.
No lie, when I first starting reading the exchange I thought GOP Teens has to be a parody account to even ask that question.

Then I saw the response and I found out they were serious...


It actually is a parody account
But the person who is bringing that message had damn well better be someone who respects the places where there are children as well. And, here, there were children. There was a pregnant woman sitting right behind them. If a pregnant woman asks someone to stop smoking in front of her, the minimally respectful thing to do is to stop smoking in front of her. That's respect for the unborn child that the pregnant woman is carrying. There's no excuse for being that kind of asshole. And if someone knows that there are kids in the audience, maybe you don't take an aisle seat and grope your date where anyone can see you...including the children.

So lets say that a person bringing that message turns out to be a hypocrite. Does that invalidate the message itself? Should other conservatives abandon the message, stop taking moral stances, and stop being concerned about children?

Likewise should liberals abandon masking policies because Gov Newsome went out to event maskless at the height of the pandemic? Should liberals abandon climate change policies because Al Gore and Leonardo Dicaprio fly around the world in private jets?

From what I can tell no one is defending Lauren Boebart. Everyone seems to agree that she was engaging in classes behavior and has lost all credibility. The problem is all the dishonest liberals trying to use her to invalidate traditional morality in regards to children and decency. Like...because a politician was exposed for being a lying hypocrite all of the sudden moral standards have no validity. Lets just bring on the drag shows and trannys because Lauren Boebart was caught vaping and fondling at the Beetlejuice show. Its silly.
Or justify Lauren Boebert harming an unborn child because somewhere else in the world there are drag shows? That's your stance? That you dislike drag shows so much that you accept an individual smoking in front of a pregnant woman despite being asked not to and then lying about it? Essentially that so long as drag shows exist and kids attend them, all other behavior is excused?

I doubt that's what you really think so let's stop the internet fake positions because if it was your pregnant wife, you wouldn't excuse it so you shouldn't excuse it when it's someone else's pregnant wife.

Fuck her... Vote her out. lol.. I'm not in Colorado, so I have zero influence. She's effectively killed her career... I'll be shocked if she gets voted back in 2024. She barely did in 2022.

Who gives a fuck about her. I'm refering to Sinister trying rationalize kid drag shows because Boebert criticized them.

They've fucking disgusting and borderline pedo. Guess you're a fan too?
I really don't care if it was Lauren specifically doing these actions. I would find them tacky coming from anyone. I don't especially hold it out a hypocritical because I don't really believe anyone's self-professed religious, social or intellectual purity. Regarding our American politicians, I have become cynical enough to expect lies, scummy behavior, sanctimony, grift, abuse of power, questionable profiteering and the whole gamut of sad behavior. I don't expect a single one of them to truly adhere to the principles they espouse on their campaign trails nor do I expect them to ever live up to their campaign promises. Our current ponderous bureaucratic fractious corporate bought government pulls in the so many wrong people and quickly erodes the ones that were earnest in their desire to serve.
Fuck her... Vote her out. lol.. I'm not in Colorado, so I have zero influence. She's effectively killed her career... I'll be shocked if she gets voted back in 2024. She barely did in 2022.

Who gives a fuck about her. I'm refering to Sinister trying rationalize kid drag shows because Boebert criticized them.

They've fucking disgusting and borderline pedo. Guess you're a fan too?

Nobody cares that you're bigoted piece of human garbage. The only thing that matters is you pretending to care about children to tell other parents what they can or cannot do.

All the things you're now saying about trans people and drag shows are things conservatives said about homosexuals not that long ago. It was bullshit then, it's bullshit now.
Nobody cares that you're bigoted piece of human garbage. The only thing that matters is you pretending to care about children to tell other parents what they can or cannot do.

All the things you're now saying about trans people and drag shows are things conservatives said about homosexuals not that long ago. It was bullshit then, it's bullshit now.
Gay people didn’t dress like overly sexualized women and go to libraries to read to little kids. There’s a difference. We had drag shows. We had famous men doing drag movies. We had rocky horror events every year. Nobody cared. The only thing that changed was bringing kids in. Those darn pesky republicans
So you support drag shows for minors?
I have no kids so it's not my issue to support or not support, really. I think it should be left to the parents and organizers of these events to determine what is appropriate and to take reasonable action if there is any appearance of impropriety; you know, like we always used to due before political wingnuts decided they needed to politicize everything in order to gain traction with the likes of Sherfront since they have no actual policies to run on. They don't need interference from the likes of a bunch of Sherdog shitwads or Proud Boys meatball militia or the fucking governor of fucking Florida.

Don't you think parents are capable of saying, "Whoa, that's out of bounds, time to leave."?

Republicans are big believers in its better to be fake and ramble about morals than to be real about who you actually are.
That's it in a nutshell.
Well said...

Progressives take the shit behavior of one junior State Rep and rationalize all the fucking terrible positions they support in the name diversity and inclusion.

Liberals from the 70's/80's would be ashamed of what Progressives have become.
LOL I'm one of those. Please elaborate on the bold text. Can you specify in what was laughing at that embarrassment of a legislator lying her ass off about being an utter shitbag at an all-ages live show being used to rationalize "all the fucking terrible positions they support", i.e. the things you don't like because they trigger your feelings?

You're welcome to your opinion but I'm interested in your reasoning.
Why this is even a point of debate anymore when Bill Clinton was re-elected after sticking a cigar inside of his intern is beyond my comprehension.
Gay people didn’t dress like overly sexualized women and go to libraries to read to little kids. There’s a difference. We had drag shows. We had famous men doing drag movies. We had rocky horror events every year. Nobody cared. The only thing that changed was bringing kids in. Those darn pesky republicans

That's nonsense.

Story hour is harmless but you guys are hyper focused on the drag and trans communities now that it's harder to discriminate against gay people.

You're recycling all the same lies and social media lets you present isolated incidents as the status quo.
That's nonsense.

Story hour is harmless but you guys are hyper focused on the drag and trans communities now that it's harder to discriminate against gay people.

You're recycling all the same lies and social media lets you present isolated incidents as the status quo.
Them showing up to story hour is a lie? That’s weird because that’s what they’re arguing about being allowed to do and calling anyone who doesn’t want their toddler to see their balls a bigot.
Them showing up to story hour is a lie? That’s weird because that’s what they’re arguing about being allowed to do and calling anyone who doesn’t want their toddler to see their balls a bigot.

Saying Story Hour or all drag shows are about showing balls is a lie. An obvious one.
So lets say that a person bringing that message turns out to be a hypocrite. Does that invalidate the message itself? Should other conservatives abandon the message, stop taking moral stances, and stop being concerned about children?

Likewise should liberals abandon masking policies because Gov Newsome went out to event maskless at the height of the pandemic? Should liberals abandon climate change policies because Al Gore and Leonardo Dicaprio fly around the world in private jets?

From what I can tell no one is defending Lauren Boebart. Everyone seems to agree that she was engaging in classes behavior and has lost all credibility. The problem is all the dishonest liberals trying to use her to invalidate traditional morality in regards to children and decency. Like...because a politician was exposed for being a lying hypocrite all of the sudden moral standards have no validity. Lets just bring on the drag shows and trannys because Lauren Boebart was caught vaping and fondling at the Beetlejuice show. Its silly.
No it doesn't invalidate the movement. I think the anti trans movement is bullshit Republicans use to distract their voters from the fact they have no real policies that help working class folks.
What Lauren bobo did is like some climate change dem rolling coal in people's faces while having an oil tycoon as a passenger.