Movies What are Brad Pitt's best and worst performances?

His simplicity and charm makes him a good actor, which sometimes makes him appealing and other times boring when he is wooden.

I love where he picks up a little physical affectation in roles. Like in twelve monkeys, he sticks his middle finger up but has the other fingers held up to the second knuckle.

Listening to the directors cut of Fight Club, Edward Norton was super insightful and Brad Pitt didn’t offer much, may have been tired or stoned though.

There is stuff I enjoy from all of his movies except the excessively slow ones.
Didn’t like his acting in Thelma and Louise.
Loved that little dance he did in Burn After Reading. Hilarious!
He smashed it in Fight Club.
The cafe scene in Meet Joe Black, so magnetic.
Inglorious Basterds, hilarious at how horrifically out of place his character felt.
Snatch is the best film he's done in my opinion but I don't know if it's his best performance.
I don't know if he's had a "bad" performance to warrant picking one, dude's a great actor.
Loved him in:
Oceans 11
Bullet Train
B Button

Cool World
Wasn't there some bullshit movie where he just fell down a lot, like acting clumsy like Kramer?
That'd have to be amongst his worst. Didn't like 7 years in Tibet much.

I'm a big fan of Snatch.

The movie is good too...

Legends of the fall he was ok. Fight club might take though.
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Best: Inglorious Bastards
Worst: Can't think of a bad performance.

He's arguebly the best example of an actor who picks roles he know will suit him well, doesnt really show a ton of range but most of the time he doesnt need to.
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Hands down the best Male Actor of our time followed by DiCaprio.

This dude had a movie run like nobody else and crushed all the pussy in Hollywood, threatened to kill Harvey Weinstein and has never been involved in any real scandals.

He's a man's man in the wimpy world of Hollywood which is something to say.

Show me a better career than this:

Thelma & Louise *
Cool World
A River Runs Though it*
Inverview with the Vampire*
Legends of the Fall*
12 Monkeys*
Seven Years in Tibet*
Meet Joe Black*
Fight Club*
Ocean's Eleven *
Fight Club*
Ocean's Twelve
Mr & Mrs Smith
Ocean's Thirteen
The Assassination of Jesse James
Burn After Reading*
The Curious Case of Benjamin Buttin*
Inglorious Bastards*
Money Ball*
World War Z*
The Big Short*
Worst performance was in The Devil’s Own with Harrison Ford. Horrible movie and horrible Irish accent

Good thing about Pitt is that he stays in his lane when it comes to his acting abilities. I was reading an interview where he said he can’t do what Christian Bale or Tom Hardy can do on screen. That’s a pretty humbling thing for a superstar of his caliber to say

12 Monkeys is his best pure acting performance imo