Media Werdum said he doesn't like Strickland

In all fairness, Werdum doesn't like anyone.

Though Dumont tried to deescalate the situation, as Werdum started off by saying he did not agree with Strickland’s ultra-American ways, the former heavyweight champion paid no attention to it and shared a personal story that explained why he does not see eye to eye with ‘Tarzan’.

“I’ve got a problem with that guy. I think he’s an a—ole.” Werdum said.

“He’s crazy, but he’s cool,” Norma Dumont added.

“He’s too American,” Werdum continued. “I like Americans, but he’s too much of a ‘Murican. I don’t think he’s a character. He used to go to our gym to help out Marvin (Vettori) and (Kelvin) Gastelum. So he would be hanging around the gym and he’s a big guy. He probably weighs 200 pounds. So he looked heavy and I was looking for a sparring partner.

“He was training with the other guys and I asked him to spar with me. He went ‘No. I’m not training with you’. I said ‘Huh? You’re not training with me? You’re at the gym, so you’re training with me’. The moment he turned his back to me, I kicked him in the ass. Boom. You know you can’t kick someone in the ass, it’s like a slap in the face. He was like ‘What was that for?’. I told him I would kick him in the ass everytime I saw him from then on. F—ng asshole. That guy is so pedantic.”


I love Werdum but this is hilarious. Brazil is one of the most nationalistic countries in the world. He has no room to complain about Strickland being "too American"
Well, he also called his daughter the n-word the other day on Instagram...
So, I think we can all agree that his judgement is flawed.


Different culture. Can't judge
There are multiple stories backing Strickland being an asshole but I don’t think he was being one by not wanting to train with probably 250-270 Werdum. Then asshole Werdum kicks him in the butt playfully then calls Sean the asshole?! Werdum is an ass clown that gets into fights outside of the gym and puts his own career and others in jeopardy.

Strickland was actually kicked out of Hendo’s gym because the fighters there couldn’t stand his training etiquette. Certified asshole.
“He was training with the other guys and I asked him to spar with me. He went ‘No. I’m not training with you’. I said ‘Huh? You’re not training with me? You’re at the gym, so you’re training with me’. The moment he turned his back to me, I kicked him in the ass. Boom. You know you can’t kick someone in the ass, it’s like a slap in the face. He was like ‘What was that for?’. I told him I would kick him in the ass everytime I saw him from then on. F—ng asshole. That guy is so pedantic.”


Nice to see Werdum finally got his temper under control.
wonder if anyone has nice things to say about werdum
Sorry but werdum takes the L for being the true asshole in this situation.

This is a perfect example of a gym bully, werdum is bigger and should naturally look to spar people in his own weight class hw. He was looking for an ass kicking, he must possess 'that ass hole local gym vet that bullies newcomers' complex.

Reminds me of a story about how Hector Lombard was hurting training partners in the gym so they called in Josh Barnett to spar with him and teach him a lesson lol allegedly Barnett beat the shit out of Hector