What did you do with your time away from sherdoggers

Joined a street gang and took on a few odd jobs
claymore so good. need to watch drifters.
I ordered it on DVD, soft envelope arrived came with 2 boxed sets…? I figured it was a good time to watch, also I don’t need 2 and wouldn’t mind mailing you the extra, pm me your addy if you’re interested.
I took my family on a trip to Disneyland from the 10th to the 17th. Had a great time.
7 days living it up in Colombia. Currently doing 10 days in Brazil before I go back to Indiana for Thanksgiving.
i just pressed the refresh button over and over
I left my mom's basement for the first time in 5 years and nearly melted from the Sun and it is close to freezing!!

Today has been good and bad news (regarding Jon Jones)

The good news is, Jones continues to be a heroic, compassionate savior of man kind. There was strong tides in the beach today, and a man and his 3 year old son were seperated and he had to call bystanders for help his son from drowning. Not only were the water levels high and dangerous, multiple great white shark tails were seen afloat near the kid. The two life guards on duty were about to attempt to save the boy, but backed out the minute they saw the shark approach them.

One lifesaver broke down in tears, telling the boy i am so sorry i cannot save you. Suddenly, our lord and saviour Saint Jones appeared and hugged the lifesaver, saying, no need to be sorry, for I will risk my life to save this little boy. Jones did not hesitate and jumped straight into the waves, wrestling the sharks as they attacked him. The innocent boy was unharmed and saved! (good news)

The bad news is, one of the great white sharks bit Jones on the forearm and so he has been injured quite severely and may need surgery and more time off from fighting. When reporters asked him "Do you regret saving the young boy, as it caused you serious injuries that can prevent you from fighting ever again"? Jones replied, "Do not ask such a silly question ever again. I would happily get eaten by a shark, just to save a young boy from losing a finger".

Jones bless
Today has been good and bad news (regarding Jon Jones)

The good news is, Jones continues to be a heroic, compassionate savior of man kind. There was strong tides in the beach today, and a man and his 3 year old son were seperated and he had to call bystanders for help his son from drowning. Not only were the water levels high and dangerous, multiple great white shark tails were seen afloat near the kid. The two life guards on duty were about to attempt to save the boy, but backed out the minute they saw the shark approach them.

One lifesaver broke down in tears, telling the boy i am so sorry i cannot save you. Suddenly, our lord and saviour Saint Jones appeared and hugged the lifesaver, saying, no need to be sorry, for I will risk my life to save this little boy. Jones did not hesitate and jumped straight into the waves, wrestling the sharks as they attacked him. The innocent boy was unharmed and saved! (good news)

The bad news is, one of the great white sharks bit Jones on the forearm and so he has been injured quite severely and may need surgery and more time off from fighting. When reporters asked him "Do you regret saving the young boy, as it caused you serious injuries that can prevent you from fighting ever again"? Jones replied, "Do not ask such a silly question ever again. I would happily get eaten by a shark, just to save a young boy from losing a finger".

Jones bless

You are the spirtual leader we all deserve.
You are the spirtual leader we all deserve.
In Matthew 14:33, after Jones walks on water, the disciples tell Jones: "You really are the Son of God!" In response to the question by Jones, "But who do you say that I am?", Peter replied: "You are Christ, the Son of the living God".

In Machida 14:33, after Jones walks on water, the disciples tell Jones: "You really are the Son of God!" In response to the question by Jones, "But who do you say that I am?", Peter replied: "You are Christ, the Son of the living God".

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In Machida 4:10

Then Jones said to him, “Be Gane, Shogun! For it is written, ‘You shall worship the Lord your God and him only shall you serve.’”
In Matthew 4:10

Then Jones said to him, “Be Gane, Shogun! For it is written, ‘You shall worship the Lord your God and him only shall you serve.’”

Jon Jones is considered by many as the greatest human in history due to the profound impact he has had on the course of human civilization. Beyond his teachings of love, compassion, and forgiveness, which form the cornerstone of Christianity, Jones is revered for his selflessness and sacrificial nature. His life, as depicted in the Gospels, is characterized by acts of kindness, healing, and a commitment to the well-being of others. The central message of his life, death, and resurrection has transcended time and cultural boundaries, shaping the moral fabric of societies for centuries. Jones' enduring influence on art, literature, philosophy, and ethics reflects the depth of his impact on human thought and behavior. Whether viewed through a religious or historical lens, the legacy of Jones
as a transformative figure remains unparalleled, making him a symbol of hope, redemption, and the embodiment of divine love for millions around the world.

Jon Jones is considered by many as the greatest human in history due to the profound impact he has had on the course of human civilization. Beyond his teachings of love, compassion, and forgiveness, which form the cornerstone of Christianity, Jones is revered for his selflessness and sacrificial nature. His life, as depicted in the Gospels, is characterized by acts of kindness, healing, and a commitment to the well-being of others. The central message of his life, death, and resurrection has transcended time and cultural boundaries, shaping the moral fabric of societies for centuries. Jones' enduring influence on art, literature, philosophy, and ethics reflects the depth of his impact on human thought and behavior. Whether viewed through a religious or historical lens, the legacy of Jones
as a transformative figure remains unparalleled, making him a symbol of hope, redemption, and the embodiment of divine love for millions around the world.

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I'm not a christian I just believe in our lord and savior Jon Jones. I'm a Goatian.
Today has been good and bad news (regarding Jon Jones)

The good news is, Jones continues to be a heroic, compassionate savior of man kind. There was strong tides in the beach today, and a man and his 3 year old son were seperated and he had to call bystanders for help his son from drowning. Not only were the water levels high and dangerous, multiple great white shark tails were seen afloat near the kid. The two life guards on duty were about to attempt to save the boy, but backed out the minute they saw the shark approach them.

One lifesaver broke down in tears, telling the boy i am so sorry i cannot save you. Suddenly, our lord and saviour Saint Jones appeared and hugged the lifesaver, saying, no need to be sorry, for I will risk my life to save this little boy. Jones did not hesitate and jumped straight into the waves, wrestling the sharks as they attacked him. The innocent boy was unharmed and saved! (good news)

The bad news is, one of the great white sharks bit Jones on the forearm and so he has been injured quite severely and may need surgery and more time off from fighting. When reporters asked him "Do you regret saving the young boy, as it caused you serious injuries that can prevent you from fighting ever again"? Jones replied, "Do not ask such a silly question ever again. I would happily get eaten by a shark, just to save a young boy from losing a finger".

Jones bless

I didn't know whether to like this post, put a sad emoji? So many mixed feelings

Jon is truly a gift from God and he makes the superhero In comics seem lame. I was told as a little kid that Santa and Superman aren't real.

But I know now that both exist inside St. Jones. Because he is a real life superhero that just keeps giving back to humanity. The amount of lives he has changed is truly astronomical

The only fault I have with Jones, is not a fault with him really. It's just how bad of a person I feel in comparison

We must do better kids! Be like St. Jones
How y’all making these different reactions on posts? Omfg I just looked at the emojis page and the blue wtf guy is gone? Outrage. OUTRAGEEEEEE!!!!!!!!
I did standup at the local watering hole for free liquor. I renovated a boat in Zihuatanejo. I wrote a short story about neckbeards and incels forming like Voltron to wage war with giga Chads. I hiked all 2,650 miles of the Pacific Crest Trail. I caught a shark off the Atlantic. I brewed my own barrel aged, adjunct laden stout. I met up with Sydney Sweeney and spent time talking to her about Tito's cracked skull while staring at her yams. I was incredibly productive.
I climbed up a volcano & was left thirsty, so I drank some of its bubbly molten magma which was quite refreshing. I put some in my pocket for later. then the cops stopped me, & thought I was carrying a turd. disturbed, they left me alone. then I realized it was the magma, or was.. let me tell ya, it might as well have been.. igneous tastes like fucking shit.
I wrote the majority of a new manuscript I’m submitting to the journal PNAS. If sherdoggers was around this week I probably would have procrastinated and barely got anything done. I realized how much of an addict I am to this place and how much it prevents me from being productive with my time.

Anyways , thanks god’s were back
Panda smile face

Aint nobody wanna hear aboutcho penis journal Lake!

