Funniest Canadian Of All Time?

Funniest Canadian of All Time

  • Norm MacDonald

  • Jim Carrey

  • Mike Meyers

  • John Candy

  • Leslie Nielsen

  • Ryan Reynolds

  • Dan Aykroyd

  • Phil Hartman

  • Martin Short

  • Rick Moranis

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Jim Carey, Norm and John Candy are tied for first place, I think. There are some funny canadians.

I voted for Candy though. Trains planes, great outdoors, uncle buck - absolute gold, especially given how old they are. If Candy continued to make movies through the last 2 decades, he'd likely have made some more gems.

On the other hand, leslie nielsen was also hilarious, again especially given how long ago he was making stuff.
Y'all undervaluing Mike Myers. The Austin Powers movies were hilarious. Add Wayne's World and Shrek.

Tough to choose between Jim Carrey and him.

Disagree, fellow canuck. Myers made a bunch of low-brow silly slapstick movies that werent anything particularly special. Jim Carey did that WAY better, plus he had a better standup career and also had serious movie acting depth as well. John Candy did a similar thing, but his movies were funnier, more wholesome, less juvenille and silly.

Myers made quite a few silly pop culture movies, and they were great for what they were, but to me he's not in the same league as the rest.
Norms the funniest dude of all time.
Best talkshow guest by a country mile.

In the mix for the best standup comedian of all time, as well. That might be an absurd statement to some, given the greats that are often on that list - Carlin, Pryor, Chapelle, Murphy, etc.

But I think Norm is right up there in the mix. His ability to take a funny/paradoxical premise and really knead it into a robust, solid joke was unmatched. For example, his joke about Patton Oswald saying the worst part about Cosby being the "hypocrisy." - where he spins a tale about a woman meeting Cosby and being invited to his hotel, is a master stroke.

His not giving a fuck about bombing, being experimental and loose on stage, is another key aspect of his greatness as a standup, IMO.

For me, it isn't even a competition. His delivery, and the way he subtly adds comedic layers to whatever conversation or skit he is in, is just top-notch. Brilliant mind and just makes me laugh, whatever he is doing at that time.
From that list either John Candy or Phil Hartman. Where's Martin Short? Just his stint on SCTV alone is funnier than anything Ryan Reynolds has ever done and will ever do.

I recently rewatched the SCTV take on the Nutty Professor. It starred Ed Grimley and he turns into a cool musician guy (played by John Cougar not yet Mellancamp). Absolute gold !