Law Florida Republicans: "Sexually harassing teens in the workplace is ok"

There is a difference between public school systems and private businesses. It isn’t compulsory to have your kid get a job at 16.

One could argue that the law being written and proposed by Democrats is in itself “chasing political clout”. Basically, propose a law that oversteps the reach of government into private businesses, that isn’t on the books anywhere else in the country, in order to “gotcha” Republicans with the exact arguments you are making.

You are also neglecting to acknowledge that this was VOTED ON by ELECTED OFFICIALS that were ELECTED BY THE PEOPLE OF FLORIDA to represent them.

If you can find a similar law anywhere in the country, let me know. I’m not even a conservative, this just seems like an overreach.

Why do you consider it overreach? A bunch of these Republican run states, are relaxing regulations regarding children in the work place to encourage the hiring of minors.

If your business has a history of harassment incidents I don't think it's unreasonable for that information to be available for the parents of teenagers that said business is trying to hire.

That seems pretty damn reasonable to me.

Of course we know why they voted against it, and it has nothing to do with overreach. It's that these industries that have been pushing for relaxed child labor laws pushed by Republicans also happen to be large donors that they don't want to piss off.
Your countless threads with lies about what people say to obfuscate truth and increase division of people by spreading hate is why you are seen as a slimy PoS.

Who is this dividing? People who give a f*ck about kids getting sexually harassed at work from people who don't? You were given the definition of the kind of quote I used, you replied with juvenile dribble. I hate legislators who pretend to care about kids and take their influence from partisan Think Tanks. Sorry, not sorry.
Why do you consider it overreach? A bunch of these Republican run states, are relaxing regulations regarding children in the work place to encourage the hiring of minors.

If your business has a history of harassment complaints against people that work there I don't think it's unreasonable for that information to be available for the parents of teenagers that said business is trying to hire.

That seems pretty damn reasonable to me.

Of course we know why they voted against it, and it has nothing to do with overreach. It's that these industries that have been pushing for relaxed child labor laws pushed by Republicans also happen to be large donors that they don't want to piss off.

I also like the suggestion that the average Florida voter cares about sexual situations in schools but not in private businesses, because they voted for Republicans. As if we cant immediately show examples of Republicans outright claiming they have no intention to uphold the wills of their constituents
Care to dispute any of the details?

Here I'll use a sneer quote:

"They don't believe sexual harassment of teenagers in the workplace is ok because they didn't actually say they believe that." - people who gripe all day about their political opposition's actions not backing their words.
"Under Florida law, sexual harassment in the workplace includes physical or verbal conduct, inappropriate jokes, touching or online activity directed at another person that causes them to feel ill at ease. It can also involve quid pro quo, which means asking for sexual favors in exchange for some benefit.Aug 31, 2023"

So what is the needed reason for this new law and what else is in it or does it do.
I’m gonna reserve judgment until I hear from the Walt Disney corporation
Why do you consider it overreach? A bunch of these Republican run states, are relaxing regulations regarding children in the work place to encourage the hiring of minors.

If your business has a history of harassment incidents I don't think it's unreasonable for that information to be available for the parents of teenagers that said business is trying to hire.

That seems pretty damn reasonable to me.

Of course we know why they voted against it, and it has nothing to do with overreach. It's that these industries that have been pushing for relaxed child labor laws pushed by Republicans also happen to be large donors that they don't want to piss off.

It’s in the verbiage.

Sexual harassment “incidents”? Not arrest and convictions? What counts as an incident? So the is government now able to force private businesses to up give information about an individual that was never even entered in to the justice system?

Also, “for the information to be available” is not the same as “required to provide information to every parent”.

If the proposal read “private businesses must maintain a log of sexual assault arrests, convictions, and lawsuits (prior or pending) of current employees and provide it to parents of newly hired 16-17 year old employees at their request”, then sure, not a bad idea.

Florida also uniquely happens to make all of that information public record already, but I think it only applies if it occurs in state, so having businesses be responsible for also having the out of state criminal history of it’s employees also available to parents of minor employees makes sense.

But like I said before. The way it is written is an overreach, and could have even been intentionally written that way so that it would get voted down, and could be used for “political clout” with these arguments.
"Under Florida law, sexual harassment in the workplace includes physical or verbal conduct, inappropriate jokes, touching or online activity directed at another person that causes them to feel ill at ease. It can also involve quid pro quo, which means asking for sexual favors in exchange for some benefit.Aug 31, 2023"

So what is the needed reason for this new law and what else is in it or does it do.

If you actually read the article linked in the OP it tells you.
It’s in the verbiage.

Sexual harassment “incidents”? Not arrest and convictions? What counts as an incident? So the is government now able to force private businesses to up give information about an individual that was never even entered in to the justice system?

Also, “for the information to be available” is not the same as “required to provide information to every parent”.

If the proposal read “private businesses must maintain a log of sexual assault arrests, convictions, and lawsuits (prior or pending) of current employees and provide it to parents of newly hired 16-17 year old employees at their request”, then sure, not a bad idea.

Florida also uniquely happens to make all of that information public record already, but I think it only applies if it occurs in state, so having businesses be responsible for also having the out of state criminal history of it’s employees also available to parents of minor employees makes sense.

But like I said before. The way it is written is an overreach, and could have even been intentionally written that way so that it would get voted down, and could be used for “political clout” with these arguments.

I mean, fine, you can argue over the verbiage. I haven't been able to find exactly what language was used in the actual amendment, so it also could have been more precise then what was paraphrased in the article.

But it's really beside the point. This was a democrat proposed amendment to a Republican bill drastically reducing child labor laws at the behest of the service and hospitality industries, which coincidentally (or not) have extremely high rates of workplace harassment.

The Republicans weren't going to accept any amendment putting any checks on this bill regardless of how precise the language used was.

They won't even refer to the kids in these bills as "children", but instead intentionally use the term "youth workers".

It's disgusting.
You were given the definition of the kind of quote I used, you replied with juvenile dribble.
Merely pointed out your lie intended to "quote" words that were never spoken.​
Here I'll use a sneer quote:

"They don't believe sexual harassment of teenagers in the workplace is ok because they didn't actually say they believe that." - people who gripe all day about their political opposition's actions not backing their words.
You are a joke. "Sneer quote" - a term made by a PoS up to invent lies.​

Enough bad things are said that "fake quotes" are not needed. Borrow a little bit of integrity and use things people actually say instead of making them up.
I mean, fine, you can argue over the verbiage. I haven't been able to find exactly what language was used in the actual amendment, so it also could have been more precise then what was paraphrased in the article.

But it's really beside the point. This was a democrat proposed amendment to a Republican bill drastically reducing child labor laws at the behest of the service and hospitality industries, which coincidentally (or not) have extremely high rates of workplace harassment.

The Republicans weren't going to accept any amendment putting any checks on this bill regardless of how precise the language used was.

They won't even refer to the kids in these bills as "children", but instead intentionally use the term "youth workers".

It's disgusting.

The article mentioned those workplaces industries having higher wage theft, but not sure where you are getting the harassment info.

The “youth workers” term might be a necessary addition to distinguish the 16 to 18 year old minors from other groups of minor workers. The labor laws for 14 to 16 year olds are much different than 16 to 18 years old.

More lies and exaggeration. If any of use made a clickbait bait and switch thread like this, it'd be wastelanded by now.
The article mentioned those workplaces industries having higher wage theft, but not sure where you are getting the harassment info.

The “youth workers” term might be a necessary addition to distinguish the 16 to 18 year old minors from other groups of minor workers. The labor laws for 14 to 16 year olds are much different than 16 to 18 years old.

The harassment info is easy to find and pretty consistent.

I mean sure if you really want to give them the benefit of the doubt. I don't when the term is being used to justify allowing 16 and 17 year olds to be treated as adults when it comes to labor laws.
If you actually read the article linked in the OP it tells you.

I would like to see more on this bill. I don't support kids working much on school days. But the sexual harassment is covered.
Speaking of totally fucked, it's beyond fucked,

"Democrats offered a number of proposed amendments to Chaney’s bill, as a way to soften the blow in the event of its passage. Rep. Angie Nixon, a mother of five children — including a 16-year-old — tried to add language establishing a state department of labor to help enforce child labor law.

Florida lawmakers dissolved the state department of labor in 2002, and with it, a meaningful mechanism for cracking down on Florida’s widespread problem of wage theft."

Yeah they only care about the wellbeing of children, got it.