Opinion Cultural Marxism is a Nazi conspiracy theory.


Gold Belt
Oct 13, 2012
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I'm tired of reading comments from deplorables on here insisting it's real. It's not. Stop it. Get help. It's literally a 100 year old Nazi conspiracy theory that Hitler wrote about in Mein Kampf. They just took whatever they didn't like about their society and culture and made believe it was a grand conspiracy (by Jewish-Marxists) to destroy their civilization, when it was just people with different tastes and opinions from what they preferred.

Just take a look at some examples the Nazis used:

1. Strange fonts used in writing. Yes, apparently some fonts were a conspiracy by Marxist Jews to destroy German culture. Can you imagine if wingdings was around then? ❄︎♒♏︎⍓︎ ⬥︎□︎◆︎●︎♎♒♋︎❖︎♏♑︎□︎■︎♏♍︎❒︎♋︎⌘︎⍓︎✏︎
2. "Degenerate art." Failed artist Hitler spread his hatred far and wide here. Basically, anything cool and interesting and with some verve he hated. There was even a "degenerate art exhibition" held in 1937, featuring more than 650 pieces of art. Many of them were from famous, very talented painters. 4 of them, for example, were from Picasso. Artists like Edvard Munch, famous for the "The Scream," were also banned as degenerate. :eek:
3. "Degenerate music." Apparently "negermusik" like jazz was a political weapon of the Jews! So was Igor Stravinsky, apparently.
4. "Degenerate literature." Hemingway? Huxley? Kafka? Proust? Degenerates. All banned! How...Kafkaesque.

I could go on for a long time here. Hitler & his team of sourpusses whined about a whole lot more, like architecture. Suffice it to say, none of this stuff has anything to do with a Jewish-Marxist plot to destroy German culture, obviously. Looking back at this in 2023, you should realize how ridiculous it is. I'm sorry you don't like atonal guitar solos, but it's not a plot to by Jewish-Marxists to destroy your society, it's just people making music you don't like. Far from degenerating culture, Stravinsky, Kafka, Picasso, etc are now recognized as some of the greatest artists of the 20th century.

If you don't like something, then don't like it. You shouldn't need to conjure up some weird persecution fetish to justify it if your position isn't retarded.

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Very interesting. Pretty sure this is a secret message to Jewish Marxists. Anyone else decipher it?
Ahh, the immutable law of the war room in action. Sooner or later every thread turns to trannies. We only made it to post #7 this time.

This gotta be a new record.
I remember back in the day the OT was known for its tranny love.
Now its the WR
New rule: every time a thread is posted, even if it's very long and thorough and even containing Lego, can we tag on the end of that post:

But also, trannies?

That would save the dorks a lot of time.


I'm in agreement that the label "cultural marxism" is vague to the point of being meaningless. When people use the term, they seem to be simply using it as a catch-all for anything they dislike.

It's almost as embarrassing as those who use the term "Nazi" as a catch-all for anything they dislike.