Crime Police chief says cutting more than $12M from police budget request could impact response times in the city


Silver Belt
Oct 23, 2018
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Well Toronto voted in a progressive mayor, now Toronto's mayor Chow is planning to cut 12Million from the Police Budget.
This could impact response times in the City..

This could be quite concerning for those living in Toronto.
As it could likely impact hiring plan the way how the police in Toronto could put more officers in the streets.

Nothing says like fixing a broken city by cutting the police budget..

Police chief says cutting more than $12M from police budget request could impact response times in the city

City staff had previously shaved $12.6 million off that request as part of the proposed budget that was tabled for the first time earlier this month.
It was among $600 million in spending cuts and savings in Toronto's budget.
Oh yeah, they tried that in several cities here after George St Kirby OD'd. A bunch of cops retired and nobody else wanted to join, so they ended up with fewer cops who had to work overtime, then crime spiked and it ended up costing more money because the cops that were still there had to work overtime, so the "defund the police" leftied tried to take credit for the added expense, like paying more for less was their plan all along.

now the are going to wonder why crime has skyrocketed in their area. dipshits .

similar to the stupid fucks who say, 'but but but , defund the police really means ....reallocating resources...."

seriously, just shut the fuck up.
Denkiw is asking Mayor Olivia Chow to award the Toronto Police Service its full $1.186 billion budget request for 2024.

$1.174 billion isn’t enough?
How much was their previous budget?
facts. a 1% decrease in funding is gonna ruin the whole police department? sounds like those guys suck at their job
The Toronto police department is incredibly crooked. The union pays private investigators to find dirt on city councilmen they dislike. They do the same with RCMP agents they judge to be unfriendly. It's run like the mob.

A while ago, New Orleans policemen sent representatives to Toronto so they could learn how their union works.
Toronto police is about as FUBAR as the US education system, no amount of money is ever going to fix it. Every year they ask for more money and nothing ever gets better, the only thing that changes is the number of police officers on the Sunshine List (public workers making over $100k annual pay), which they're leading by mile.
The Toronto police department is incredibly crooked. The union pays private investigators to find dirt on city councilmen they dislike. They do the same with RCMP agents they judge to be unfriendly. It's run like the mob.

A while ago, New Orleans policemen sent representatives to Toronto so they could learn how their union works.
Is this the department that had their own bar?
Hire some faster cops
I like the idea that the solution to slow response times is fast police officers, police departments should be poaching those broke retired athletes, they’re still faster than the average guy.
12 million? From the GTA police budget? Lol, thats a statistical blip in the stationary numbers for a three day period.

Imagining claiming that would have any effect on service time.

And if the numbers show it has saved that figure than it should be reduced in next budget, you know, how it’s supposed to work.

12 million, lmfao.
PD's and their unions are just as corrupt and wasteful as any other govt organization; if we could get an exact number on the amount of money that's wasted and basically stolen each year it would be astonishing. That being said unless there's going to be major overhaul and reform I'm not sure what's going to change or what's to be done. We need police and if we don't give them their money they're going to "quite quit" as well as some will just quit altogether. Terrible situation.
As crime has dramatically reduced almost everywhere and in every city in the developed world over recent decades PDs have evolved into extortion rackets.

Give us what we want or something might happen to your business. Literally mob shit.

Toronto is already one of the safest major cities in the world. These types of threats would be criminal if they weren't from a PD.
They cut $600 million from the budget. I assume we're going to get a thread on all of the budget cuts?

Under the staff-proposed budget, the Toronto Police Service would still see its funding levels rise by approximately $8 million when compared to 2023.

Plus they can still hire 200 new officers.

I hate clickbait thread titles. You guys seem to love them.
Denkiw is asking Mayor Olivia Chow to award the Toronto Police Service its full $1.186 billion budget request for 2024.

$1.174 billion isn’t enough?
How much was their previous budget?
Their budget is still going up $8 million. The $12 million loss is them not getting a $20 million increase, not at actual $12 million cut.