Anybody actually knows whats happening to Canada?

you damn right those freedom convoy victims deserve an apology. they fought for your rights and freedom and look at how you treated them. you should be ashamed of yourself.

the least you could have done was feed some of these people some warm food and let them use your bathroom while they were busy fighting for your freedoms because god knows they couldn't even go to a restaurant.
Lol why didn't they just use the facilities at the fancy hotel the organizers were staying at?

This is one of the stupidest takes yet. Absolute buffoonery.
I have pictures of bouncy castles. Oh, and BBQing.

look at these canadian nazi's trampling all over everybodies rights. i don't even think they checked any of those young children to make sure they had their vaccine passports before they entered that bouncy castle either!

lock them up and throw away the key!

look at these canadian nazi's trampling all over everybodies rights. i don't even think they checked any of those young children to make sure they had their vaccine passports before they entered that bouncy castle either!

lock them up and throw away the key!

Yeah, share that propaganda! Totally legit and definitely an honest representation of reality!
Ok I'm leaving before I get carded for telling people what I really think. Enjoy your lives as puppets!
i think we broke him.
I think you are a puppet who is impossible to reason with. If successfully breaking the conversation by refusing to listen counts as a victory for you, go right ahead.

Congratulations, you successfully avoided learning anything or really understanding why I am so fucking pissed off at the losers who occupied my neighborhood.

It's because I love Trudeau and vaccinations, probably.

I think you are a puppet who is impossible to reason with. If successfully breaking the conversation by refusing to listen counts as a victory for you, go right ahead.

Congratulations, you successfully avoided learning anything or really understanding why I am so fucking pissed off at the losers who occupied my neighborhood.

It's because I love Trudeau and vaccinations, probably.


speaking of avoiding things, do we have any pictures or video of those fires you speak of?

i dont see any fires in this one

speaking of avoiding things, do we have any pictures or video of those fires you speak of?

i dont see any fires in this one


You would have more credibility if you posted literally anything besides propaganda filmed during the day, exclusively on Wellington Street.

I sincerely hope you are getting paid for this. It's really sad to think someone would work this hard spreading misinformation for free.
Strange how all it took was for the first non-trudy family friend judge to look at it and call it out for what it was.

You would have more credibility if you posted literally anything besides propaganda filmed during the day, exclusively on Wellington Street.

I sincerely hope you are getting paid for this. It's really sad to think someone would work this hard spreading misinformation for free.

speaking of credibility, is there any credibility towards your claims of rampant fires "everywhere" ever happening during the trucker rally? if so, feel free to post pictures or video.

i don't see any fires in these ones either. perhaps you can post some clips of these fires you speak of and point me in the right direction. i've only asked you 10 times while you tuck your dick and cluck. maybe the 11'th time will be the charm?

they weren't the propane fires that were underneath the grills to barbeque meat to hand out to the protesters were they?