Media Jon Anik tired of negativity from MMA fans, might leave in 2026

we are the worst most of the time I honestly don’t blame him.
Oh fuck him.

After yrs of "fatherless bastard" and "Where's ya kid??" and "I'm gonna take you to the seventh lair of HAIR" not to mention lobbing dollies through buses full of people, that they activley promote,the fans are supposed to behave?? He can go fuck himself.
Damn, hockey fans here in Canada can definitely get overly passionate, but I've never heard of anyone being attacked for wearing another team's jersey in any given city.

My friend got his eye socket caved in by drunk rabid Red Sox fanboys/fratboys over a Yankees hat, and he wasn't even the one wearing it.
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My friend got his eye socket caved in by drunk rabid Red Sox fanboys/fratboys over a Yankees hat, and he wasn't even the one wearing it.
People who physically assault or intimidate fans of other teams are such unbelievably pathetic losers. If you care that much about sports and athletes who couldn't give a shit about you that it drives you to violence you need to get a life.
Strickland fans are the absolute bottom of the barrel of society. The amount of people on here who see nothing wrong with being homophobic in the year 2024 is insane. People as dumb as Sean who can't see how obvious it is that being gay is biological and not a conscious choice and that being disappointed in your child for being gay is unbelievably cruel.
Anyone else remember the days when every discussion about MMA's public image included the phrase: "Look at Rich Franklin MMA isn't all thugs and bigots!"

That vibe vanished so fast and now we're in the Colby Cosplay era.
No big loss to be honest, doesn't seem like he has much love for the sport.

Better to put someone in that position who truly appreciates it.
I never knew Anik was such a baby. He sounds like a 13 year old girl on Twitter that's been bullied. I am disappoint Son...

Yes, MMA fan bases are salty. It's always been this way. You gotta just laugh at how irrational people get trying to defend a fighter they don't even know.
He ain't wrong, MMA seems to have an inordinate amount of gripey dumbass fans that love being miserable, seemingly hate everything about the sport, but can't walk away from it.
This entire post proves you arent black. who's getting mad at you saying it? LOL. Imagine being a grown ass man and playing pretend on the internet with the hopes of 'proving a point' or whatever the fuck it is youre trying to do. There's a big giant fucking reason people dont invite you to shit are your family hates you. Look at that writing on the wall. Read it. Understand it.

What a negative, nasty post. Its the internet bro. No one knows hes black when he says it. Just like you dont know if he is or not. What a dumb argument saying his post proves he isnt black because no one would be mad for him saying it. Like everyone somehow knows hes black. You basically made an assumption based on very little, and that somehow lead you to saying some dumb shit like
There's a big giant fucking reason people dont invite you to shit are your family hates you. Look at that writing on the wall. Read it. Understand it.
I don't blame him. Mma Fandom is the bottom of the barrel in the sports world. Dana Pinks embracing of Trump has kicked the nastiness of the community up several levels.
Someone tell the motherfucker to just stop reading sherdog <45>

This. Outside the internet, MMA is a niche sport that mixes well with casuals on a saturday nights. However i doubt he gets accosted or harassed that much. Probably can live a pretty unencumber life day to day
Anik is getting off easy.

The Fighters get their ass beat in training and competition -- still deal with the opinionated mob.

ALL of whom get jacked up with emotion from the glorification of violence and human damage -- with both Bruce and Anik amping up the Show.

Of course the mob is going to be stirred up crazy and throwing crap.

But let's stop and have a moment of reflection for a sensitive dude and his mic -- making a good living off this human suffering entertainment spectacle.
Anik is being a dick here. he's acting like the NFL fans are more classy? you mean the fans who fight every week there's a game and sometimes even kill each other over it? he should be pissed with the UFC more than anyone, THEY cultivated this kind of fan base.

for a guy who literally gambles on 2 people beating the fuck out of each other in a cage and works for a giant heartless corporation he's sure soft. can't handle some random neckbeard calling you a little bitch? maybe retire from public view.
BIG facts. If you can’t handle mean words keep ya bitch ass off the internet or at the very least do not engage the “lowest common denominator” in comment sections. Tyler the creator said it best, “how is cyber bullying real? Just walk way from the computer”
Anik is sharp but at times lacks empathy for fighters. Never really sold on his presence because of that. Paul Felder is another who is getting increasingly douche on the mic over the years because when he first started he was very humble.
This thread is a lot of people exhibiting why Anik was correct.

I know what I am going to hear in return, but I am an old married guy. Feel free to bitch it does have much effect any more.
Damn, hockey fans here in Canada can definitely get overly passionate, but I've never heard of anyone being attacked for wearing another team's jersey in any given city.
I'm Canadian and I've only been to Boston one time. At a Bruins game, not even playing LA, there was a dude wearing a Kobe Lakers jersey. Before the first period was over they literally had beaten the shit out of him and then security kicked the Kobe guy out while everyone yelled at him. It was wild.
Anik is a really good announcer. Very articulate and knows the sports well. He would be
missed if he left.

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