International Hamas launches surprise attack on Israel; Israel has declared a state of war. Vol. VII

Lol I think you said verbatim that West Bank and Gaza have nothing to do with each other. You are a moron
again, you continually lie about what i said.

i've said israel doesn't view gaza the same way they view the WB.
again, you continually lie about what i said.

i've said israel doesn't view gaza the same way they view the WB.

That's his tactic: lie, distort, and manipulate. Get used to it.

What can you expect from an imbecile who thought I was Jewish just because I happen to be from New York City, and New York City has the largest Jewish population outside of Israel?

So absent any evidence we're just supposed to take the word of the same freaks who claimed to have discovered a fully charged iPad with a Hitler lock screen in a bombed out house with no electricity.

True, it's a well known fact that jews are incapable of plugging in or charging a dead ipad.

Also: this is gaza at night.. all those oil lanterns are sure bright:

Live footage from the ceasefire talks as Hamas addresses the Israeli congregation

So absent any evidence we're just supposed to take the word of the same freaks who claimed to have discovered a fully charged iPad with a Hitler lock screen in a bombed out house with no electricity.

Don’t forget the supposed beheaded babies … and when this was shown to be untrue, the useful idiots in this thread just move onto the next ridiculous claim. SAD.
Don’t forget the supposed beheaded babies … and when this was shown to be untrue, the useful idiots in this thread just move onto the next ridiculous claim. SAD.
I wonder why my govt did this, almost like they are not impartial, like zionists exert pressure on the ovt.
True, it's a well known fact that jews are incapable of plugging in or charging a dead ipad.

Also: this is gaza at night.. all those oil lanterns are sure bright:


Wow, even the most deranged Ziontologists usually will refrain from trying to defend the Hitler iPad hoax. Surprised to see someone who has drank the koolaid this hard. Obviously Netanyahu referenced the transparent falsehood in his unhinged "the Hague won't be able to stop us" diatribe but most online defenders of the genocide usually try to pretend it didn't happen, for obvious reasons.

So your belief is that the IDF charges every iPad they come across? Or do you believe they just had some sort of premonition about this particular one so they took the time to charge it? It was presented as something the IDF just happened to stumble upon, so I'm curious if you believe they staged the "reveal" but are being honest about the iPad itself.

Wow, even the most deranged Ziontologists usually will refrain from trying to defend the Hitler iPad hoax. Surprised to see someone who has drank the koolaid this hard. Obviously Netanyahu referenced the transparent falsehood in his unhinged "the Hague won't be able to stop us" diatribe but most online defenders of the genocide usually try to pretend it didn't happen, for obvious reasons.

So your belief is that the IDF charges every iPad they come across? Or do you believe they just had some sort of premonition about this particular one so they took the time to charge it? It was presented as something the IDF just happened to stumble upon, so I'm curious if you believe they staged the "reveal" but are being honest about the iPad itself.

Yes, any competent military would check out every ipad or phone they come across.

And why in the hell is it so hard for you to believe that a Palestinian in Gaza would have hitler on their Ipad?

You're coming off as pretty damn ignorant that you don't know how damn popular Hitler is as a symbol in that region.

Yes, any competent military would check out every ipad or phone they come across.

And why in the hell is it so hard for you to believe that a Palestinian in Gaza would have hitler on their Ipad?

You're coming off as pretty damn ignorant that you don't know how damn popular Hitler is as a symbol in that region.


Israeli propaganda is strong.
True, it's a well known fact that jews are incapable of plugging in or charging a dead ipad.

Also: this is gaza at night.. all those oil lanterns are sure bright:


You're proud of yourself with this post ? Killing Arabs is shit and giggles isn't it ? It's so good to make sarcasm on Arab kids death. They're not worth much anyway. Now if it's the other way we're talking about real humans. But Arab vermin ? Let's mock their death and the destruction of their homes with a dark joke.

Another genocide fanatic on the ignore list.
Wow, even the most deranged Ziontologists usually will refrain from trying to defend the Hitler iPad hoax. Surprised to see someone who has drank the koolaid this hard. Obviously Netanyahu referenced the transparent falsehood in his unhinged "the Hague won't be able to stop us" diatribe but most online defenders of the genocide usually try to pretend it didn't happen, for obvious reasons.

So your belief is that the IDF charges every iPad they come across? Or do you believe they just had some sort of premonition about this particular one so they took the time to charge it? It was presented as something the IDF just happened to stumble upon, so I'm curious if you believe they staged the "reveal" but are being honest about the iPad itself.

But they even find list of Hamas fighters that are all called by the name of days of the week in hospitals. And beheaded babies that don't exist. And UNRWA accusations défend them but don't you dare ask for Israel to bring the proof

You have to believe the Israeli army and government they're the gold standard of honesty.
I wonder why my govt did this, almost like they are not impartial, like zionists exert pressure on the ovt.

Except you forgot one small trick. You must not believe what your eyes see, not what your ears hear not what you read or watch. Except if it's Mark Regev or the spokesperson for the IDF then you must not only believe it but don't dare to ask any proof about their claims. If you do you support Hamas. Automatically. It's that black and white.
Yes, any competent military would check out every ipad or phone they come across.

And why in the hell is it so hard for you to believe that a Palestinian in Gaza would have hitler on their Ipad?

You're coming off as pretty damn ignorant that you don't know how damn popular Hitler is as a symbol in that region.


Classic Zionist false flag retail operation.

They do this all over the North-East, claiming big sales but in reality they just inflate the prices around the holiday season and mark them at “discount”.
Yes, any competent military would check out every ipad or phone they come across.

And why in the hell is it so hard for you to believe that a Palestinian in Gaza would have hitler on their Ipad?

You're coming off as pretty damn ignorant that you don't know how damn popular Hitler is as a symbol in that region.


Ok so you DO believe that the Hitler iPad was legit. But you also must believe that the reveal was staged for the video though right? Because if not I'd be interested to hear your theory how that happened. One soldier found the iPad in the teenage girl's bedroom, charged it and then placed it back for another soldier to find? Are you SURE you believe that happened? Your best case scenario here is that they staged a video with a totally legit iPad belonging to a teenage Hitler fangirl in order to justify the murder of children. Do you believe that Israel has EVER lied or is it antisemitic to even suggest such a thing?
But they even find list of Hamas fighters that are all called by the name of days of the week in hospitals. And beheaded babies that don't exist. And UNRWA accusations défend them but don't you dare ask for Israel to bring the proof

You have to believe the Israeli army and government they're the gold standard of honesty.

Let's not forget this: