Social Gina Carano sues Disney for wrongful termination, funded by Elon Musk

She didn't actually write that. She just retweeted someone else's post.
Yes, and? This doesn't address, rebut, or correct what I wrote on any level.
I wouldn't put it past her.


the artist who made this said
"My mural is about class and privilege. The banker group is made up of Jewish and white Anglo"
anti semitic or not. good riddance.
Perhaps, but by this benchmark, the default rhetoric of the progressive wing of the Democratic party in the US, and it's leaders, is "anti-Semitic", and fairly impugned as hate speech. In fact, that criticism could be leveled at the mainstream Democratic party writ large. They're the ones always complaining about rich white guys.
Why don't you leftist ever talk about what Hamas did to the Israeli civilians. Do you think they deserved to be slaughtered?
Because it goes without saying that it was wrong. And it happened months ago, while Israel’s campaign of ethnic cleaning, which is also wrong, is still ongoing.
In other words, it is no longer relevant to the discussion at hand.
Ultimately your issue is you have been conditioned by the media to think like a sheep. They tell you what the groups are and you see yourself and others through the lens of those groups.

To not think this way would be to have the courage to reject the herd and actually think for yourself, all the time and every time.

I know, everyone in the media who you trust tells you how real and important these group identities are and you can't imagine they're not real, or worse, manufactured to steal your energy and capture your support for murderous wars.

For most people this simply requires more courage and willpower than they are willing to admit they can have.

The center of the herd is the most comfortable and safe feeling place but only a sheep lives there.
Americ in general? Yes.
Me? No.
Perhaps, but by this benchmark, the default rhetoric of the progressive wing of the Democratic party in the US, and it's leaders, is "anti-Semitic", and fairly impugned as hate speech. In fact, that criticism could be leveled at the mainstream Democratic party writ large. They're the ones always complaining about rich white guys.

you are grasping at straw here, friend. with Carano's 5th grader-level philosophical quotes
and the far right shit she used post on her insta story its not really wild to say that shes not super fond of Jews.
same with Alex Jones, you can easily make that assumption.
nobody really cares about this performative lawsuit expect the angry right wing chuds on social media.
Disney has to pay for the black mermaid and Latina Snow White!!!!!! The madness must stop!!!!
Yes, this is precisely what I'm talking about. Do you not comprehend how stupid it is to call her anti-Semitic because of this comment? Do you genuinely not comprehend the (albeit idiotic) analogy she's drawing?

lol... How soon they forget

Remember the hotlines some cities set up to rat on your neighbors if they weren't following "Protocol". And how many neighbors gleefully called in?

Or how some parties were also gleefully celebrating deaths of people who were unvaxxed, but would ignore data that the vaccines were significanting harming people, especially young adults?

Or how bad it got in some countries?


The point was people and politicians went down dark paths because they believed themselves to be morally justified. And it was even easier for them to engage in borderline behavior between they let their emotions get the best of them.

I'll never forget Jimmy Kimmel advocating that unvaxxed patients should be left to die and untreated in hospitals. And his entire audience laughed along with him
with Carano's 5th grader-level philosophical quotes
and the far right shit she used post on her insta story its not really wild to say that shes not super fond of Jews.
With your 5th grader-level posts and the far left shit you spew its not really wild to say you're not super fond of Jews either though.
With your 5th grader-level posts and the far left shit you spew its not really wild to say you're not super fond of Jews either though.

I love Jews. and I also love adding trolls to my ignore list my Ignore list, welcome.
Lol kid your the one who has to go to the internet to spew your leftist garbage because if you tried this on the streets of Ohio you'd be getting your ass whooped regularly 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 .You honestly have to the most delusional bastard I ever met.
lulz, the streets of Ohio. yeah man republicans regularly out there kicking liberal's asses on the mean streets of Ohio
So I provided my legal analysis on her case much earlier in the thread but I realized I didn’t address the defamation component and had only focused on her wrongful termination and alleged discrimination aspects. Someone posted the Critical Drinker’s video on the issue and he spent most of it talking about the defamation angle, which is a good point. However, from what I’ve read the statute of limitations to sue for libel is one year in California and also in federal court. Gina’s public firing via Twitter by Disney was almost three years ago (February 10, 2021). Not sure how she can possibly succeed on that part of her claim either.
Because it goes without saying that it was wrong. And it happened months ago, while Israel’s campaign of ethnic cleaning, which is also wrong, is still ongoing.
In other words, it is no longer relevant to the discussion at hand.

It's no longer relevant provided we accept your bs. assertion that what Israel is doing is "ethnic cleansing." And not simply trying to win a war that they didn't start against an enemy which has not yet surrendered.