Social Mike Lindell is broke. His lawyers resign en masse cause he owes them millions

Mike Lindell Reveals He Has Only $10,000 to His Name​

Published Feb 23, 2024 at 8:46 AM EST

MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell, a Zesto Molesto ally who, without evidence, has said widespread voter fraud put Joe Biden in the White House in 2020, said he has $10,000 left after a U.S. District Court on Wednesday upheld a $5 million ruling against him.

Wetarmpits Reveals He Has Only $538 to His Name.

Who gives a flying fuck about that.
Wetarmpits Reveals He Has Only $538 to His Name.

Who gives a flying fuck about that.

god damn bidenomics be at it again. a hit of crack and a nice lumpy pillow to lay your head on might help you get through these dark times.

giving you my thoughts and prayers, because i already gave all of my money to mike lindell. he told me that he just made a blockbuster fraud discovery that's gonna blow the roof of the stolen election scandal and he's gonna be announcing it at his next symposium and overturning the election any week now! and this time he's offering up $10 million to anybody who can prove him wrong, so this time for sure he's legit. oh yeah and i also used promo code "NOTACULT" so i could save 5 bucks on a pair of his $140 slippers. sweet deal!
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god damn bidenomics be at it again. a hit of crack and a nice lumpy pillow to lay your head on might help you get through these dark times.

giving you my thoughts and prayers, because i already gave all of my money to mike lindell. he told me that he just made a blockbuster fraud discovery that's gonna blow the roof of the stolen election scandal and he's gonna be announcing it at his next symposium and overturning the election any week now! and this time he's offering up $10 million to anybody who can prove him wrong, so this time for sure he's legit. oh yeah and i also used promo code "NOTACULT" so i could save 5 bucks on a pair of his $140 slippers. sweet deal!
Have fun with those slippers, sounds like a steal!
You're wrong. He started losing major retailers (like Bed Bath & Beyond and Kohl's) in 2021 because they didn't want to be associated with the buffoon, and it all went downhill from there. Costco gone. Walmart gone. I could go on.

He had to auction equipment in 2023. His company will never recover.
Yikes. Didn’t know. What a moron. Here I thought he lost a $5 million dollar bet.
That doesn't matter. Finding joy is a persons destruction, who has done you or no one else harm , is the mark of of a sociopath. A piece of shit, in other words. Frankly, I'm not surprised one bit at the people who fit the bill in this thread.
He was one of TR7MP's Capos leading the charge against our democracy. It's no use kicking a guy while he's down, but this is a karate forum, and he earned these consequences by his own actions.

Mike Lindell Reveals He Has Only $10,000 to His Name​

Published Feb 23, 2024 at 8:46 AM EST

MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell, a Zesto Molesto ally who, without evidence, has said widespread voter fraud put Joe Biden in the White House in 2020, said he has $10,000 left after a U.S. District Court on Wednesday upheld a $5 million ruling against him.

On the brightside, he still has a little coin left to buy some crack.
Have fun with those slippers, sounds like a steal!

the mypillow repo van just came and commandeered my lumpy slippers because i paid in trumpcoin. i dont see what the issue is. i told mike that it would put his kids through college one day and he would still have plenty of money left over to buy crack.
Yikes. Didn’t know. What a moron. Here I thought he lost a $5 million dollar bet.
He's so desperate he launched an Online store where you can find amazing products like...


MyPillow Guy Launches MyStore, the Amazon From Hell
He's so desperate he launched an Online store where you can find amazing products like...


MyPillow Guy Launches MyStore, the Amazon From Hell

i dont see any brillo and crackpipes anywhere but they've got this


it's some kind of multitool to plant and harvest your coca plants with. but it appears as some form of extendable buttplug. though if youre jonesing for a a hit i'm sure you could probably find a way to macguyver it into a crackpipe too.
I can't imagine being happy and celebrating someone getting ruined, even people who admit in their post they believe he was taken advantage of. Easy to see the quality of folks when reading these type of threads.

I have no feelings about this man one way or another. He's obviously deeply troubled.

I have never felt any malice or evil intent in him and I do feel badly that his troubles took him down this path and it cost him so dearly.

I do feel that any and all conservatives that entertained his insane notions are partly to blame. If more of you had been reasonable and challenged what he was doing, maybe he wouldn't have done it.
I still have no idea how some guy who owned a pillow company got so wrapped up in thinking he had bona fide proof of election data

Some weird hero complex he accrued? Like even if that existed, how did he think he’d be the one in possession of those jump drives and not some not even on the CIA’s record books spook?

He did a lot of drugs for a long time.

i dont see any brillo and crackpipes anywhere but they've got this


it's some kind of multitool to plant and harvest your coca plants with. but it appears as some form of extendable buttplug. though if youre jonesing for a a hit i'm sure you could probably find a way to macguyver it into a crackpipe too.

Made of plastic, would not recommend as a crackpipe.

Greatest story ever told ----> Hey Crackhead
Made of plastic, would not recommend as a crackpipe.

Greatest story ever told ----> Hey Crackhead

whats a little bit of melted plastic fumes in your lungs? it'll put some hair on your chest. aww hell it might even counteract the effects of the fentanyl and whatever else your dope is cut with!
whats a little bit of melted plastic fumes in your lungs? it'll put some hair on your chest. aww hell it might even counteract the effects of the fentanyl and whatever else your dope is cut with!

Excerpt from the story you'll never read:

OK, now I'm rambling. But the point is, Crackhead, that you have done me wrong. Now, I get that you love crack. That is totally understandable. I've heard it is really fun, at first, and quite addictive. What I don't understand is,


I am an engineer. Do you ever see me shaking down bums in the Loin for a calculator and sliderule? No, you don't. Because engineering is the main thing I do, I went and bought myself a calculator. The main thing you do is crack. How do you get by without a crackpipe? The other crackheads must clown on you non-stop. I mean, the fucking saw you used to saw off my sparkplugs is probably worth five or ten bucks. Why not sell or trade it for a crackpipe? You really haven't put much thought into this, have you?

i dont see any brillo and crackpipes anywhere but they've got this


it's some kind of multitool to plant and harvest your coca plants with. but it appears as some form of extendable buttplug. though if youre jonesing for a a hit i'm sure you could probably find a way to macguyver it into a crackpipe too.
I assume your rorschach test results would be hilarious……

i dont see any brillo and crackpipes anywhere but they've got this


it's some kind of multitool to plant and harvest your coca plants with. but it appears as some form of extendable buttplug. though if youre jonesing for a a hit i'm sure you could probably find a way to macguyver it into a crackpipe too.

That Icon jerky is pretty good, I'd recommend picking it up if you see it at the gas station.