Rumored Chito Vera missed weight. Cheated similarly to DC!

Are you retarded or blind? maybe both? Elbow outline is the structure of the tent, and his hand isn't touching said tend; you really need to go to an eye doctor as soon as possible or maybe to a neurologist. In my informed "humble" opinion you just need a

psychiatrist !​

The irony. Taking 2 seconds to look at the picture, you DO see the hand on top of the tent, and pressing play on the video shows that "structure" you're bullshitting about disappear the second he raises his arm. That outline is very obviously his elbow.

It you don't want to take the time to actually check something, you shouldn't be so quick to be a (wrong) asshole about it
Elbows too pointy, suspicious.

If you look closely, you can see the curtain move as soon as the weight is called and he lifts his hand. So I thought maybe it was holding the edge of the curtain with his right hand.

Then the Embedded ep 6 uploaded with a better view and it looks like he was holding it!
You can see and outline of his elbow leaning on the curtain, most likely using his hand to hold some of his weight. Then the curtain shifts as soon as his arms are raised bc he’s not holding onto it anymore.

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you're 100% correct.

Aspen Ladd also cheated by this method quite a while ago. Similarly obvious when you look carefully at the video footage. If BOTH arms are not clearly visible above the fabric, it is very likely due to the person applying some downward pressure on the structure of the black tent.

It's the commission's fault for not catching this. Probably they knew damn well Vera was overweight and got told to STFU by some bigwig from the UFC.

Even so,.. I hope Vera wins.
I mean after DC's cheating that really blew up, I feel like it's on the comission to be fully aware and interfere.

They know it may happen, so why are fighters allowed to move their hands as they want to?
Just that most champions carry themselves like one. Chito doesn't. And that is one of many reasons I think he's gonna get destroyed.
Do you wanna talk about... maybe.. the topic? Without some insane rant about how Chito won't be champ because he doesn't trim his facial hair and because God
Do you wanna talk about... maybe.. the topic? Without some insane rant about how Chito won't be champ because he doesn't trim his facial hair and because God
I know we see eye to eye... sometimes. But I also know I get called out every time we don't and it's kind of amusing. I can't tell if we'd be great friends or bitter rivals, lol. But I'm a real martial artist, so I can keep things classy and tbh, you do seem like a good person, who might also think outside the box, from what I've been able to assess over the last couple years and I respect that.

The topic... okay... If someone else made the assessment that Chito's comin' in with the hindrances of struggling with weight... I'm listening to them, because Sean is my boy because it's my assessment that he's a great person... in the heart.

However, I'm not sure I see TS' side from the pics he posted in terms of weight struggles, but I have yet to watch those videos. But those assessments haven't been unanimous. But I wont let that worry me. 'Cause I know Sean's a sniper. All he needs is one punch to land to put Marlon in jeopardy. However, I do worry about the fact that I feel like Sean might've been KO'd the first time these guys fought... But the more I think about it, the more I'm realizing Sean's gonna be hard to take down, Hard to hit clean, he's gonna use the reach as good as anyone we've ever seen and I don't know that Marlon's the patient type that's gonna pick his shots carefully. Aljo's a patient dude, but he still got countered effectively and I believe Marlon will too.
How any man makes 135 is beyond me lol
lol kid shut the fuck up with this weird shit.
How any man makes 135 is beyond me lol
its beyond me why fat losers who've never accomplished a single thing in there lives feel the need to hang on ontine and say stupid shit.
its beyond me why fat losers who've never accomplished a single thing in there lives feel the need to hang on ontine and say stupid shit.
Well I'm not fat. I'm 5'10 and I walk at 155-160. For my last match I cut down to 145 and while it wasn't the hardest thing I've ever done, I did note that I did not want to do that very many more times in this life. I'm on the shorter side so it would be even more challenging for someone taller, and I didn't even cut to 135
Sean is big into Philanthropy. He's always givin' out money and it's beautiful. As soon as Chito sees that, he's bashin' Sean and gettin' people on his side... He's like... uh... uhhh. Well Sean shouldn't have a camera on him if he's gonna be doin' that stuff... Meanwhile Chito doesn't do that type of stuff. Chito's the type of dude that has really ugly facial hair and can't even manage to be responsible with it. He looks like me when I let myself go. A champion cares about themselves. Chito's not that person, 'cause he knows himself better than any of you do.

Even if Sean looks like a clown, he's a very bright dude that gives back a lot. Chito acts like a... regular person. While Sean's an incredibly intelligent sniper, who happens to be a champion. Everything happens for a reason and God helped Sean get that belt. There's a big difference between the people that are Marlon and Sean. Sean's blessed 'cause he's a special person. Chito's about to get outclassed!

'This fighter is the greatest person ever, hold on for the next unrealistic uneducated comment that means nothing because I dont actually know any of these people in person while I suck Sean Omalleys dick'

Humans have an unhealthy relationship with sports 99.9 percent of the time.
In the first video you posted, you can see his hands hovering above the edge of the curtain so how can he be holding anything when you can see his fingers above the curtain?

On what basis did you write on your image "hand holding onto edge"? You can see the fingers of both his hands above the tent in video 1.
How hard is it for the commission to make sure they follow the stupid simple rules of weighing in. One of them being keep your fucking hands up.

How hard is it for people to understand basic physics?
Haha that mofo definitely pulled a dc