Elections MTG files motion to oust Mike Johnson as Speaker


K1 Level Shit Talk
Dec 17, 2015
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Here we go again lol.

Any chance of Mike Johnson getting put to pasture like McCarthy?

MTG quote:

"I filed a motion to vacate today. But it's more of a warning than a pink slip," the Georgia Republican told reporters.
I can't wait until she's gone.
good.....he already broke his word by introducing another garbage spending bill at 3am so no one can read it before voting.
the house replublicans spent their entire time with the house majority voting to remove and elect their own speakers, going on a russian backed witch hunts in search of a long lost parking ticket or overdue library book to try to impeach brandon on, and passing pictures of hunter biden's cock around the chamber. they have done absolutely nothing for the american people, just like they did back in 2016 when they had the presidency, the house, and the senate. well, other than give tax breaks for the top 1%.

these clowns are unfit to govern.
the house replublicans spent their entire time with the house majority voting to remove and elect their own speakers, going on a russian backed witch hunts in search of a long lost parking ticket or overdue library book to try to impeach brandon on, and passing pictures of hunter biden's cock around the chamber. they have done absolutely nothing for the american people, just like they did back in 2016 when they had the presidency, the house, and the senate. well, other than give tax breaks for the top 1%.

these clowns are unfit to govern.
They're the most do nothing bitches ever elected to Congress.
An aide to the speaker's office said Greene hasn't made her motion privileged, which means that it can't be considered until after the congressional recess ending on April 9. Greene has not said when she would call the resolution up for a vote.

awwww man. i was just about to run out and grab some more popcorn for the show. i wanted to see just how many more times the honorable hakeem jeffries could get the most votes during a republican speaker election.

now we gotta wait until next month for the republican clown convention to have their little circus. what the fuck is this? check your privilege marjorie! go back and privilege the fuck out of that motion. hurry hurry! at the rate republicans are going with their speakers, if we have to wait all the way until next month to put this motion to a vote, there might already be a new speaker by then!
holy shit....she's filing her motion to remove mike johnson just for keeping the government open.

wow. how fucking petty. we can't shut the government down so we're just gonna remove our speaker and effectively shut down the house of congress. these are your republicans at work. if we cant make everybody else do absolutely nothing, then we're just gonna sit here and do absolutely nothing.
some house democrats are now signalling they will save mike johnson if he puts forward an up and down vote for a ukraine aid package.

lol otherwise get fucked mike.
typical worthless fucking democrats. Rather than offer to save Johnson for a vote on Medicare for all or some major infrastructure bill, they want to hold him hostage for Ukraine.

Can these politicians hate the American people any harder?