News Jon Jones In Trouble for Supposedly Threatening to Kill Drug Tester (Updated with Video of 'Incident'.)

anybody know the drug testers IG i wanna thank him for doing his job and not
backing down. i seriously wanna show him my appreciation with some cool shirts
i designed

And hes gotta pay for shippin:mad:<mma3>
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So does new testing require fighters to be sober 24/7? Am I missing something here? 🤔 If he was intoxicated why not immediately leave and come back next day... whatever is in his system on a Thursday is going to be there on a Friday.

In either case lmao
No it wouldn't be, that's absolutely ridiculous
He should never be allowed to compete again.

If anyone did it in the octagon to an official, they would receive such punishment.
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Tyson is treated like a lovable icon these days,

But look into his history, the kind of drugs he did, women he smashed, fights and legal trouble he got into, people he pissed off, ears he bit off, money he lost.

That Hollywood life will take you down, even if you're Mike fucking Tyson.

For that reason, I'm a bit more lenient when it comes to stars.
omg jones fuckin up once again, whats new?

My take is that the cte he has sustained throughout his career is making his behavior more irrational and erratic as years go by, who knows but jones is at a really low point in his life,, physically and personally... and thats saying a lot
Dude hasn't taken enough damage for me to be super worried about CTE. Alcoholism will make people act like this though.
Yeah I know right, poor fucking millionaires, what a tough life, it must be so difficult for them, I weep at the thought of these poor and troubled souls.
A lack of money can cause a lot of stress and misery. But millions of dollars is not going to make anyone happier long term if there are underlying problems.
Yeah I know right, poor fucking millionaires, what a tough life, it must be so difficult for them, I weep at the thought of these poor and troubled souls.
Perhaps you just haven't bothered to do any research beyond this smooth brained statement.

A life In hollywood Is not easy and often very dark, as anyone with a functioning computer should know by now.

When you reach that level of wealth and stardom, It comes along with pressures and baggage that you probably couldn't even conceive of.

mo money mo problems, someone with bitterness and envy In their souls would like to imagine they live life on easy mode. But that's never how things work.
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So does new testing require fighters to be sober 24/7? Am I missing something here? 🤔 If he was intoxicated why not immediately leave and come back next day... whatever is in his system on a Thursday is going to be there on a Friday.

In either case lmao

I don't think he was worried about testing positive for alcohol. It's more to indicate the state he was in and how it likely contributed to the aggressive attitude he had.

And no, some drugs can have a very short detection period. Or at least, that could always be the case with newly designed substances or newly designed methods to evade detection. It's hard to tell for sure though, because I don't know what tests this agency does conpared with, for example, what USADA used to do with the samples they'd take from the fighters.
That coke is a motherfucker let me tell you